Victor [i]was[/i] going to listen to their new found 'friend' before he realized how little he cared. Honestly, he intended to suck him dry if given the chance. No reason to keep two blood-bags around when one of them appeared quite tougher and less afraid than the other one. But, unless he wished to reveal himself he couldn't very well do it right now. As the boy William talked Victor was attempting to manufacture a situation in his mind where dining on the boy would become possible, and even easy. Unfourtanetly the Witch Rose intervened again, quietly Victor wished the strange creature had eaten her... but it appeared she had learned its name. This 'Unyat' she said was friendly if strange, and seeing as she was a Witch Victor was inclined to believe her. She had other ways of killing them all without letting some cave creature devour them so he took her at face value. The way she commented about William brought a smile to Victors hidden face, hopefully it meant she would not try to protect him, giving Victor the edge he needed to slake his thirst in duplicate. He was rather surprised at her view of the scarecrows and their origin, more that she went innto the nature of witches than anything else. He disliked all witches be they light ir dark as all could become a nuisance to a vampire. More powerful ones were outright dangerous to them, and he would already need to watch his step with Miss Rose let alone another witch. Regardless, Victor was intent on drinking soon seeing as he still had no idea when the last time he had sated himself had been. When Rose gave the command for Gish to decide where the little company would be going Victor was abiut to make a case for their heading to the cabin before Rose started prattling on again, supporting both sides of the arguement like a damn fool. Victor growled quietly beneath his helmet as the Witch was already beggining to grate on him. Then, once she had finished he prepared to give his case when Gish herself headed him off, deciding they woulld indeed be going to the cottage. He smiled widely, and sloshed across the shallow pond to Luciel, who he gently but firmly brought to his feet, "Come Luciel! Gish leads the way now!", he chuckled, gripping the boys shoulder firmly to pick him up and point him in the direction of the cottage, not wanting his primary food source to leave his side. Before he left with Luciel he also picked up William, smiling, "Welcome to our little merry band William!", and similarly giving him a light push to the cottage... if he was lucky and careful he may very well eat tonight.