"It's Devika to you. Sit down if you feel faint. If you're going to puke, please do it elsewhere. I just shined my boots yesterday." There would be time to help the poor mortal cop out of his shock later. For now... "I am nice, yes. But I'm not stupid." She reeled back, surprisingly swift for a woman of her size, and kicked Connor in the temple. "How dare you put all of us in danger. If I wasn't so nice, I'd call the Council down on you. Don't forget, I can wield just as much strength as you can, Connor. Idiot." She wrapped a hand around his throat, feeling his stolen anger fueling her actions like a foreign hand. "You've fallen hard." Taking a deep breath, she pushed that anger down, twisted and warped it, called up memories of fear. Deeper than mere fear, something more primal. Childhood terror, fear of things lurking in the dark. Formless, unknowable monsters coming to get you as soon as you closed your eyes. This fear she pushed into Connor, feeling it leech through her body and into his. "If you ever try anything like this again, remember what will come for you. Remember every time you close your eyes to rest, that the White Council's blade could be the last thing you see. Remember that there will be people like me to stop you, every single time, Connor. Remember me, and be afraid." Truth to be told, part of that was an empty threat. She would never call the White Council on anyone. Unfortunately, her empathy was strong enough to be toeing the line of mind control. If they knew, really knew how strong she actually was, they'd probably kill her out of their own misguided fear.