Shadow & Kai [color=gold]Nodding at Reaver's command and Cahira's quiet murmurs, hoping for a better season. With that, Shadow stood on all fours and began wandering into the woods with Kai by her side, knowing the rest of the hunters would follow close behind.[/color] Aleu [color=lightgray]Aleu dips her head respectively towards Reaver, nudging the two little ones in front of her out towards the clearing. There was a pond close by the clearing that Aleu planned to take them to for some morning refreshments and playtime.[/color] Desaius [color=tan]At Reavers words of the more 'unable' wolves, Desaius lets out a soft huff under his breath and forcefully pushes himself onto his rear. Looking in the way the Hunters were heading, Desaius' ears flatten against his head and his expression softened. He longed to be apart of the hunting party, always had.[/color]