[center][hider=Pretty Elf Boy: Naveen] [hider=Naveen] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lw30iq2FGj1qguw40o1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] “Sure, my life isn’t perfect but my hair is.“ [u]Name:[/u] Naveen Age: 35 [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Race:[/u] Elf [u]Class/Specialization: [/u] Reaver [u]Appearance:[/u] It could be said that Naveen brushes his hair more times than an Orlisian before a ball. There is not one day that Naveen goes without brushing his hair, no matter what. His blonde hair looks almost like silk resting on his shoulder, not one knot to be seen. Just like his hair, the rest of him is well groomed. He may be clean shaven and neat but his face does wear scars of past battles, and one from a completely stupid accident. It bothered Naveen at first. The scars on his face were not pretty, but as time went by he grew accustomed to them decorating his face. To him, the many scars he wears now are badges of honor and dedication to the many things he has fought for and gained through the years. Naveen wears the vallaslin of Dirthamen, the elven god of secrets and knowledge. His eye is a bright shade of brown that resembles a cat’s in the sun. The other eye is white, like the snowy day he lost it a fight. And just like his people, Naveen is inches shorter than the average human. He doesn’t let that bother him because the war hammer strapped to his back intimidates people even when his face can’t do that for him. He is far too pretty to frown or scowl at people. He thinks he’ll get wrinkles faster that way. [u]Abilities:[/u] -Pommel Strike Lashes out with a fast strike that stuns enemies -Mighty Blow Delivers a powerful attack that crumples enemies, knocking them down for a short time -Ring of Pain Marks part of the battlefield and enemies inside the ring take spirit damage -Devour Rips into enemies, damaging them and healing one’s self. -Dragon Rage Launches an attacked that increases and one’s wounds deepen -Rampage Unstoppable fury of physical force, attacks are harder and faster, gaining health with each strike [u]Personality:[/u] Naveen may not show many expressions but he sure can express himself with his mouth. He could make a sailor blush if he wanted to. When he was still in his clan he was the one they looked at first if something went wrong or if something. He was always the first one to blame. How could they not? Naveen had caused trouble since the first time he had opened his eyes to the world. He still acts like a child. He is blunt and direct. He acts like someone who wouldn’t lift a finger to help the people around him, only thinking of himself and no one else. If he has a goal, he always takes the easy way or the way that involves the less effort. Although he likes to keep his belongings organized he can be careless and even clumsy at times. Like the scar in on his chin. He had gotten careless and fell in the middle of a fight. In many occasions like that one he does not care for his surroundings and often charges without a thought. It is rare to see him concentrate or figure out a plan in his head. Because he is over confident in his ability as a warrior and a reaver is rash and impulsive in a fight or even in a conversation. People wouldn’t depend on Naveen if they didn’t know him, but one way or another he gets things done no matter what. Naveen may seem friendly to people watching him from afar but he is far from that. He is as free with his hands as he is with his words. He doesn’t know what the concept of “personal space.” But if he doesn’t like someone he will let them know directly, there is no beating around the bush with him. Even with his friendliness and openness he could be suspicious of the people around him, it is rare for him to trust anyone but himself. Loyalty and trust come the same way for him. Both are hard to gain. He has lost most compassion because of those who he lost. [u]Origin:[/u] Naveen was born to Clan Sabrae. It was said that his mother would not live through the pregnancy, but it seemed that the creators would not let her leave her family just yet. Naveen was praised by the clan and adored for his pretty eyes and face as a child. As he grew up the praising stopped whenever he caused trouble or scared the halla. Even with all the trouble he caused his parents they continued to care for him and teach him. His mother and father were both hunters in the tribe, skilled in both bow and arrow. They thought Naveen how to fight with daggers and how to shoot and arrow with perfect aim. He wanted to become a hunter like them, but before his 13th birthday he lost them both. A wolf pack attacked their clan and his parents were the first to defend the others. Naveen watched his parents pinned down and be devoured by their sharp teeth. After the attack Naveen stayed within the clan, never going out to hunt with a bow or even touch the daggers his mother had given him. By 16 he had finally picked up sword fighting from one of the warriors in the clan. He was better with it than he ever was with a bow or daggers. At the age of 18 he already had gained his vallaslin and knew how to swing and fight with a war hammer as tall as him. When he turned 20 an elven girl arrived to his clan seeking shelter and protecting. The clan took her in and it didn’t take her long to become one of them. It also didn’t take Naveen long for him to fall heels over her. After she gained her vallaslin they bonded and a few months after she became pregnant with his child. She died while giving birth to his child. Days later the little girl he had named after her mother died too. A week later he left the clan and traveled to Denerim, hoping to find any kind of job he could get. While in Denerim he worked for high criminals or nobles who would pay anyone to do their dirty job. During that time Naveen didn’t care for anything. Not his looks not who contracted him or who he had to kill in order to get paid and eat that day. He lived like that for 5 years. Any coin he had to spare he’d waste it on brothels. He didn’t even care who he slept with, be it women or men. Everything was numb and stoic. Naveen was 25 when he left Denerim at the first mentioned of an incoming Blight. On his travels to Orlais he met a woman in a small town. They were both the only one with pointy ears there and decided to stick together until they made it to the border of Orlais. She was kind and caring, she reminded him of the woman he loved. They became close during their travels and she thought him the way of the reaver. He spent a year there before moving on. He traveled up to the Free Marches to Antiva. He stayed there for a few years before returning to the Free Marches in search of a job. [u]Other:[/u] Naveen can bake some mean pastries. [s]He can also shake his hips like a pro. [/s] [/hider][/center]