Botis didn't reply and took off. He headed towards the cabin of Lucille where she and Rico would be. He landed at a safe distance and pulled back his wings. He approached the entrance and knocked on the door. It didn't take long for Rico to open the door. "Hey Rico, is Lucille there? I want to speak with her... in private." he said. Rico looked kinda angered. "What is your business with her? Haven't you done enough damage already?" "It's okay Rico, please leave us be." Lucille interrupted and motioned her boyfriend back to the living room. "So what's up demon?" "Look Lucille, I don't know what you are or what your intentions are, but for now I trust you." "Okay, so you came here just to say that?" "No, I came with a request. Please venture back to those woods and make short work of the remaining witch hunters, I believe they will be asleep for quite some time." Lucille looked rather surprised when Botis requested what he did. Botis on the other hand has a serious face throughout the conversation and hoped for Lucille to accept his request. "Fine. I'll kill those men for you. Now go, Rico might get suspicious." she said. Botis nodded and took off again. He flew towards Robur and landed in front of the tree. He sighed. On one hand he didn't want to go in and just transport himself back to the Underworld. On the other hand Ciara seemed like she really needed him to be with her, but why? She had Cherub and Surgat... with himself gone she would recover her mana much quicker. He decided to enter the house. Ciara seemed to be upstairs, probably resting in her bed, so he was greeted by Cherub and Surgat. "Hey guys." Botis knelt down to reach their height. "I'm sorry to say this, but I'm going back to the Underworld. It's the best for Ciara, she may call upon me when she's done recovering." he said. He didn't respond to the two whether they begged for him to stay or not. A pentagram appeared underneath him and he was sucked into it appearing in his manor again.