Sliding three bits across the dirty bar counter and receiving some piss-poor ale in return, Feri regarded the murky liquid for a moment before downing it in one go. It tasted like shit, but it got people drunk - surely that was the only reason people came to the Hanged Man? [color=teal][i]"At least I'll never have to drink this swill again - pirates deal more in shit-tasting rum than shit-tasting beer."[/i][/color] Thought with a somewhat sardonic smile, Feri left her mug on the top and slid from her chair, leaving the inn for what would hopefully be the last time. She had no plans to revisit Kirkwall - or, at the very least, not for a prolonged stay, anyway. [color=teal]"And now onto the whorehouse. What better place to pick up a crew?"[/color] Feri muttered under her breath as she headed towards Hightown, tightening the sash around her waist as it came undone. She'd heard plenty of rumours on the street in the past few days about someone looking for a crew, but at first, she'd ignored such stories. Half the time she did pick up on rumours like that, it turned out to be some piss-poor sailor boy who thought he could move up in the world by owning a cutlass. But as more tales surfaced, that of a Qunari Captain, with a decent boat and a decent mind for leading, her interest became piqued. Even moreso when she found out the place of hiring - the Blooming Rose. From what she'd seen of the Qunari squatting in the docks, they be more likely to raze the place to the ground than put one horn inside a whorehouse. But apparently, this one didn't follow the rest of his herd. And that was intriguing enough for Ferirev to go and take a look. Upon entering the establishment, it didn't take long for her to find the Qunari - despite all the distractions around her, the guy really stood out. She could tell even from where he was sat he was one tall bastard - she'd probably reach just above his waist, if she was lucky. Feri walked forwards, halting beside a man who was obviously waiting for the Qunari's attention. She regarded him with a shrewd, sideways look, taking in his scars and the steely look in his eye - he seemed both younger and older than herself, in some ways. And then she saw the dog. Her first, natural reaction was that of happiness; she loved dogs. Partly because she'd never seen many in her life, especially not a Mabari war hound like this one. And then logic kicked in, and she looked back up to the man, one eyebrow cocked quizzically. [color=teal]"A brave man, taking a war hound on a pirate ship. I've heard bad things about people who cooped up their Mabari's for too long."[/color] Feri said this with just a hint of a wry smile, but certainly not a full one. Didn't want to give the impression she was the cheerful sort of person, after all.