[@POOHEAD189] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@DizzyIsabella] [@Charnobylisk] [@Xtreme] [@Nallore] [@Pundii] Okay, I have gotten a message from everyone concerning what their characters will be up to on day Two - Thank you so much for getting those to me in a timely manner, it helps me a lot to get everything worked out for day 2. Randomization's for events have been worked out and will be rolled for before I type up the details for the next W.N. Now, it will probably be a day or two before that happens - so please make sure that if you haven't already to get your character wrapped up for today so we are keeping out days separate and such. And watch your day counters, don't wait to the last minute to post if you can help it (I am waiting on people to finish out their current day before typing up the W.N. - so the longer you wait to post, the more everyone else's counter goes up - Don't be that person :P) - If you do reach the end of your counter before the next W.N. is posted you still need to post again - do a dream scene, a flash back to simpler times, what have you - how you met the love of your life, how the love of your life got away, suddenly remembering that time you got gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe and it made your trip face first into a street clowns flower only to get soaked by a water spray. lol Possibilities are endless.