Brother Kaerell roared in animalistic fury, his rage enveloping his physical form causing him to snarl under his helmet and leapt into the midst of the nearest bundle of mutated humans. His wrath was made manifest in how his blade made such a bloody dance about his foes, flaying flesh from bones and ripping limbs from their bodies. Blood was spattered all about his midnight black armour, spraying the walls with blackened lifeblood. "SLAY THE HERETIC! BURN THE MUTANT!" He bellowed, his voice echoing across the walls of the alien citadel, assailing the ears of all those about him. Moving like a bloody butcher of death, Kaerell struck out four times rending limbs and flesh like it was wet paper. He felled three mutants with his mighty blows, their bodies rendered into unrecognisable mush. The first had the least painful of demises, as it's head was crushed into a paste by a power-armoured fist striking it, the bones cracking and the brain turning into literal jelly. The second was brought low by a kick to the chest, having its ribs demolished into nothingness before a boot crushed its skull. The last had the worst, as both its arms were literally ripped out from the sheer force of the blade striking it. "By the might of the Emperor! We will eradicate you!"