[@Naril] [hider=The things that are only 297 words long] Okay, so I've been putting this one off for as long as I could because holy fucking shit god damn thats a lot of text. Okay, so is Lara more of a cyborg than an AI? Because that is primarily the vibe I'm getting from her. Also, is she more human or machine? So I know the idea is for her to be an AI in a body as fragile as the rest of the team, but the main question is why? Other than preserving what precious little is left of her humanity, it would've made more sense for them to just deploy a full on AI and just assign her to other tasks. The main reason for having a combat AI is to serve as yet another force multiplier, much like their MAS unit- the AI's shell is durable and more easily replaced than a human soldier, and with superior reaction times serves as an excellent multipurpose spotter-combatant, as well as interfacing with advanced electronics in the field. Also, since the majority of Lara's body is cybernetic prosthesis, it'd be understandable if she was a bit stronger than the average human. If you replace your arm with a cyberarm, there's no reason why you [i]wouldn't[/i] make it stronger than the average human, thats why people do that regularly anyway. Right now, the vibe I'm getting from Lara to make this work is- UEE is short on AI- because lets face it, AI is expensive so its understandable that not every single squad in the UEE has a combat VI/AI and there's enough money being slung around on the most random R&D programs that this could feasibly make sense. This review is not really a review but me slinging around thoughts because holy shit my head hurts. [/hider]