[u][color=ed1c24][center][h1]~Shizune Yoshida~[/h1][/center][/color][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/1QWwPPJ.png [/img][/center] [hr] Shizune was glad to see that the others weren’t in shock for her actions because an idiot like Jack was only going to get them all killed. She lingered her gaze on him to give one final warning glare before she turned away. As everyone seemed to pay their attention to the new arrival, Shizune looked at Lexy just once to give her a nod. One more survivor meant one more hand to help out. [color=ed1c24]“Yozara-san is right,”[/color] she said flatly once everyone had settled in to make up their mind. [color=ed1c24]“Staying here is only going to corner us into a makeshift prison. No thanks to Jack here, we’ll have to find our way out of this classroom without using the doors.”[/color] Once again she turned to glare at Jack, especially with his insistence to go to the boiler room. While his logic was sound, she couldn’t exactly agree with him after that little stunt he had pulled off earlier. That, and the majority of the group already voted for the science lab anyway. [color=ed1c24]“Maybe you can go off to the boiler room Jack. Just holler if you need any help,”[/color] Shizune said with little emotion and it was hard to tell if she was being cold, or sarcastic…or both. [color=ed1c24]“The science lab it is, though thinking about it now, we might as well head to the boiler room next too. We can start by opening up the door Jack has so willingly barricaded…does anyone else hear that?”[/color] There was a low scratching nose, as if claws were scraping onto dead wood. Ordinarily it wouldn’t be too much to worry about because after all, Jack [i]had[/i] just locked them in. For safety. But what was most concerning was that the noise was coming from directly behind one of the classroom closets. And the sink only kept spouting out more frothy water… [hr] [center][@KoL], [@rechonq], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Unlucky0013], [@Lonewolf685], [@Always][/center]