This is what I have so far, not really sure if its any good so any advice would be much appreciated. [center][h3]Shaka Zulu[/h3][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Height:[/b] 5'0" [b]Weight:[/b] 93lbs [b]Physique:[/b] Shaka's frame has always been on the thin side although his body is covered with lithe muscle. [b]Complexion:[/b] [b]Immunities:[/b] Posion, Hunger (he still has to eat but he can go much longer without eating) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Shaka has the same weaknesses as any other human. [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Shaka is an oddly quiet enough youth constantly thinking two steps ahead of any and everyone around him. Shaka keeps his mind sharp by consistantly anaylzing those around him and trying to find their weaknesses and strength, trying to find a way to beat them at their own game. Shaka loves to be outdoors among nature, it is there that he feels the most natural. The confinds of wood and stone of Crassus' Manor makes him feel choked and closed in. [b]Psychological/Social Issues[/b]: Shaka is highly clastrophopic, hating to be indoors among the wood and stone. Because of the way he has learned to survive as a slave Shaka has not made many friends and tends to keep others at a distance believing that no one is to be trusted. When and if he does decide to make any resemblence of a friend at the manor, it would be a miricale. [b]Natural Abilities[/b]: [list] [*][u]Tactical Mind[/u]: Shaka treats the world as a battlefield and constantly anaylzes the people within it for their value and their worth. While this does not help him win any social events, Shaka has learned how to improve on many of the weapons and tactics (what little he has actually seen around the manor). [*][u]The Silent Survivalist[/u]: Shaka is in his natural element out among the wild forests. Some how he is able naturally survive in the wild, have some unknown knowledge of what can be eaten and what can't. As an added bonus, Shaka has learned as Crassus' hunter how to stalk his prey forgoing the traditional bow and arrow for the short spear.[/list] [b]Power[/b]: [list] [*][u]Spit of Poison[/u]: Shaka can naturally produce an unknown poison from his saliva glands. While normally he only has enough stored at one time for a quick loogie in the eye, given enough time, Shaka can produce and store enough to produce a rather impressive spray for someone on his size. While he has never tested the lethality of his poison, with the proper application to a weapon Shaka can stun a normal sized animal (deer and other creatures of the forest) long enough for him to provide the killing blow.[/list] [b]Companion[/b]: A small dung beetle that he found during one of his hunts. For some reason he has an odd fondness to the tiny creature. Of course a dung beetle would not be complete without his dung ball