There are two sexes: Male and Female. Everything else is a malformation or medical abomination. As for gender, the dictionary defines it as the state of being socioculturally male or female. People like to label and pigeonhole themselves, for some reason, based on their PREFERENCES. If you like the same sex, you're HOMOSEXUAL, not "genderqueer". Being pansexual, bisexual, or omnisexual isn't a description of identity. It's a description of personal preference. "Owlkin" is a race in World of Warcraft, not a gender orientation. [quote=@Unfortunately] A majority of the "opinions" in this thread are merely fabricated, and do not really match with the poster's actual viewpoints. Unless, of course, making people rage with your own two counterfeit cents was the point. [/quote] I am curious, as to how you could possibly know this.