[hider=Mellie] [URL=http://s131.photobucket.com/user/librarychick77/media/Amelie_zpsa4063ef6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/librarychick77/Amelie_zpsa4063ef6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/183892]Character Sheet[/url][/hider] Mellie took a deep breathe, relief flooding through her. "It's Mellie. But thank-you. Thank-you so much." She took a second to collect her thoughts, then replied slowly, "I think I'd better leave town. Judy had some trouble, and I don't like...I've heard some things that make me very nervous." She paused again as she scratched the little owl under his chin. His eyes closed in birdie-bliss and he made a deep sort of churr-ing noise deep in his throat. "Yes. I need to leave town. Do you know where Judy went? She didn't leave me any information other than your name." Mellie chuckled self deprecatingly, "I had to look you up in the phone book, and I can't even tell you how odd it feels to be telling all this to a stranger." She quickly cataloged what she would take with her in her mind. She could fit a fair amount in her old beat up station wagon, but she had no idea where she could go and what she would need...a knife of despair flashed thought her at the thought of leaving her garden, but for the little owl currently nibbling her knuckle she knew she would do it. For him and for whatever was happening within herself.