[@ArcaneUnit], between you and [@The Narrator], I can put up the topic itself while we seek out others. It might be only the three of us for a time, but it is enough of a start. This accounted for, while I discourage "big" small cats such as the cougar, lynx, bob and the like, they are not out of the spectrum. It is by and large intended for those who would play your lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards and other similar sorts. To answer your question, [@The Narrator], the characters are all inherently granted some gifts typically associated with cats in folklore. Beyond this, each will have access to additional forms of magic, but here is an example of one ability all of these beasts have. [hider=Breath of Life] [i]Breath of Life It is said with good reason that the inhale of a cat can steal away a mere man's life. This boon enables the feline in question to snuff out and consume the essence of the sleeping, incapacitated, or dying. By nothing more than placing their parted maw of deathly fangs close to the mortal's lips, they may will the victim to death and take from them the breath of life by inhalation. Their lungs filled with this spark, the cat may steal it for themselves - healing mortal illness and injury as well as prolonging their life - or impart this same gift unto another mortal or mythic feline. This essence even carries with it fragments of magic should it be drawn from a magical source. The flame of life itself is weak outside the body or when contained but unused and the cat must find a home for it within themselves or another before the dawn of a new day. If not, the ethereal mote fades into nothingness within the cat's chest.[/i] [/hider] The intent is to grant them immensely powerful tools that make them rightfully feared, in addition to their natural weapons.