[img]http://www.downvids.net/video/bestimages/img-boi-if-you-dont-863.jpg[/img] [quote=@Jotunn Draugr] The Russians were the real war-criminals in WW2, not the Nazis. Racist jokes are funny. [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rt7m0yB.jpg[/img] I mean, you're not...exactly...[i]wrong[/i]. The Red Army were literal animals during their incursions westward. But to say the Nazis weren't war criminals...Bruh, [i]you need help. [/i] [i]also Japan was pretty bad too.[/i] [b][i]also every country commits war crimes.[/i][/b] [quote=@Unfortunately] No extra "gender" exists outside of L, G, and B. Anything else afterwards either simply seems to be a regular preference being tried to be given special status, or a ridiculous (and often half-assed) attempt at being a special snowflake. [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rt7m0yB.jpg[/img] [b]G[/b]irl, [b]B[/b]oy, and...[b]L[/b]emons? I didn't realize the LGB were genders in the acronym. You're also wrong, by the way. Some people, for example, may prefer to date solely women or agender individuals may adopt the term 'biromantic', as women and agender people are two different groups. Geddit m8? [quote=@Buddha] False. First of all, L G and B represent sexualities (namely lesbian, gay, bisexual) and not genders, so you already sounded stupid right off the bat.[/quote] Finally! Someone who gets it! [quote=@Buddha]While I agree that all genders that aren't normative are there for attempts at being special snowflakes, there are only 2 genders.[/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rt7m0yB.jpg[/img] [quote=@Buddha] There is no room for different genders, you can't be a-gender, gender-fluid, or anything like that. Scientifically/sociologically/biologically impossible. Your gender is just the average of behavior, measured over a set of stereotypes that are biologically/scientifically founded.[/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rt7m0yB.jpg[/img] You know, this is an odd concept, but people have more authority of their body and state of being than anyone else does. If someone feels like neither a man or a woman, they are...Agender. Funny how that works? If someone feels like both = bigender. Feels like one day, another the next = genderfluid. I know, it's easy to pull up links and be an armchair scientist, but let's take into consideration that people have a stronger connection to who they are as singular people than a scientist does who thinks they know what someone is like. Anything a human is, it's learned. Society as a whole creates people, not two humans procreating. Gender is a social construct. Are you going to tell Two-Spirit Native individuals their identity is invalid? Because some cherrypicked articles on the internet say so? [quote=@Buddha] It's not mental, it's behavior based, but yes. If I am a man but I enjoy playing with dolls, putting on makeup, and I experience joy when I take care of other people (which is a result of hormones frequently found in women more than men), if I spend my time perfecting my appearance, if I wear skirts, etc. IN SHORT: if I exhibit behavior frequently shown by females then; Sex = male, gender = female. HOWEVER I need to warn you that you shouldn't go around calling people that exhibit female behavior as a male (or vice versa) as female, because I'm sure not everyone will appreciate that. [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rt7m0yB.jpg[/img] You can do all those things and still identify as a man, my man. Engaging in traditionally feminine behavior (only identified as feminine due to our culture saying it is) does not make you a woman. You've got some backasswards lines of thinking my dude. [quote=@ArcaneUnit] I am pro-Trump, because he is competent, motivated & willing. I think Bernie Sanders would be an incompetent President who would essentially be a puppet President with no real power over the populations or policies. Obama's biggest mistakes are the parts about him the USA likes, and his biggest failures are the populations rejection of his policies and ambitions. Guns can never be taken away from criminals in the USA if they were illegalized. Therefor they should not be illegalized. Homosexuals are advocating anal, oral and masturbation to children in schools and public subliminally and passively, as a default function of homosexuality (regardless of intent). Aliens (if they were responsible for our religions*) Promise to purge all atheists who do not believe in a Holistic-entity which is the grand sum of all reality known as [b]God[/b], whom hates adulterers/perverts, sloths/rich and bigots/assholes/fools. Freemasons are good for society all throughout the ages. The world's Energy nodes, are real. The people who study them fanatically, do not even realize the actual significance of the locations the nodes are situated, because they are so obsessed with alien conspiracies. we ate the dinosaurs into extinction, as well as with blatant human error. [@Buddha] - threesums for rich people is the Other-relationships* homosexuality advocates the enablement of womanizers, cartels and the corrupt elite having 3 sums. That is one of the many default functions of homosexuality on society. It decreased social equality in schools by promoting 3 sums and whoredom for the bastards and drug addicts and rich kids. I can't bare lesbians pretending they are not promoting 3 sums for womanizers, cartels and the corrupt elite - passively and subliminally and often actively. Quebec should reunite with France, and Madagascar for Earth's first extrasuper Nation. +I want to say more. [/quote] [quote=@Jotunn Draugr] There are two sexes: Male and Female. Everything else is a malformation or medical abomination. As for gender, the dictionary defines it as the state of being socioculturally male or female. People like to label and pigeonhole themselves, for some reason, based on their PREFERENCES. If you like the same sex, you're HOMOSEXUAL, n ot "genderqueer". Being pansexual, bisexual, or omnisexual isn't a description of identity. It's a description of personal preference. "Owlkin" is a race in World of Warcraft, not a gender orientation. [/quote] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FTZwG4t.jpg[/img] Here's my unpopular opinion: You're all edgemasters and this thread is pure concentrated cancer.