[quote=@Buddha] [@Ace of Hearts] So a dogkin is somehow valid to you. Where do you draw the line? Cause I draw the line at 2 genders, and that includes people who shift between them. Gender can change by the day - if you act male one day and female the next, then your gender is male 1 day and female the next. The idea that people's 'identification' is somehow the deciding factor is retarded because there is literally no limits to this identification. [/quote] >Be me >on internet >some fucking guy tells me to not speak objectively about the identity of people I don't know >ask him if he believes in dogkin, that's ridiculous, innit? >fuckinggothim.jpg. Hey, that's great. It's a very narrow minded viewpoint to have, and especially to base this view on the extreme cases that are bretty rare, but good on you pal. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I'm sorry sir, but [b]your personal standards are not the benchmark of what gets to be Unpopular and what gets to be 'cancer'. [/b] If the views in this thread offend you then you are free to start your own [b]Popular[/b] Opinions thread, where you can all gush over Undertale and Pocky. Thank You. [/quote] The fuck it is. Now, I'm sorry I don't have your tolerance to Nazi Apologists, but...