It isn't about what the people want*** Cutting down a tree to make furniture, and cutting down the entire forest to do so, and build the houses to put the furniture in = no forest. Homosexuality is Monolithic** the community are active contributors of the agenda, through conceited and selfish biases to be inconsiderate of the effects it has. [@Ace of Hearts] (intentions are entirely irrelevant. Subliminal, passive and very literal and active influences on society are in fact Monolithic elements of reality. So suck on the Big one.) {@Jotunn Draugr] You are too out of your zone. you sound like someone who has been arguing with trolls for an eon. chill. and ignore these dwabs. This page isn't for people to comment on Unpopular Opinions. It is here to post them. Don't feed trolls and watch them prove how incompetent they are by neglecting to respect the premise of the webpage. meanwhile. since I need to stay focussed: [b][color=f7941d]All my last Unpopular Opinions stand Out as[/color] Bright-Butts [color=598527]in the grass[/color][/b]. So here is some more: [b]Cutting grass with non renewable resource is insanity[/b]: AND everyone who hasn't said it before reading this, or passing this on, or being effected by this second handedly in any way shape or form - is also Criminally insane. and is thus charged with Impudence and all their opinions as 'Bright-star' youths are cast down as less than insolent mutterings ([i][color=a36209]Your youthfulness has not provided you with the authority to suggest your SUPERIORS are not wiser than you, in having illegalized homosexuality before You[/color][/i].)[those who's opinions align with the superior wisdom are Pure regardless of the words they have not spoken]. [i]Che'ah's[/i].* Spanish is a rudimentary language* and Portuguese is less advanced. despite the Spanish's huge contribution to philosophy and culture. The religious FAST, is actually a means of acknowledging the requirement to eat less after harvest in order to sustain oneself throughout the crop-less seasons. However, it is also a natural sustenance for the human metabolism, immune system and our over-all wellbeing to acknowledge an incapacity to retrieve fruit and crops from other nations. Subterranean objectives is a superior ambition to Space travel. And anyone who has thought otherwise is a git (literally : this is not an insult, I can prove it. Calling a dog a dog, is just 'sayin'.). If I ran the world, Being monolingual would be a criminal offense and your parents would be condemned.