Alright, well. I'm posting in a 1x1 interest check, so you should know what I'm looking for. The name's Falka, not my real name (it's way cooler than my real name, that's for sure.),and I'm looking for a 1x1 partner. It's been a while since I've RP'd given the fact that I've been on many hiatus' due to life continuously beating the shit out of me. But, hey. I'm quite the trooper, still haven't backed down, eh? Ha. ANYWAYS. I was hoping to get someone who'll send in responses at least 2-3 times a week (I'm hella aware that you have lives, so if you don't reply right away, I'll be chill.) If you can't reply or if you've lost interest while we're in a [s]wonderful[/s] RP, then just tell me. Just be mature about it, y'know. For, like, the first response I ever make, I tend to write around 4-7 paragraphs because I like to just get some details out and all that. Other posts are typically 2-4 paragraphs, they're also dependent on what you give me and whether or not I'm feelin' it that day. Romance isn't a main focus, but it's a plus. I'm a sucker for romances, but I won't force it on characters. As for sexual content, it's dependent on my partner. I'm comfortable with whatever, but will tell you if I dislike something that is happening. I can RP through PM, E-Mail, Tumblr, and threads. Doesn't matter where, really. Unless it's Skype. No Skype. Tumblr: E-Mail: MxM, FxF, FxM. Doesn't matter, I'll go with it. I also play a lot of female characters, BUT will play male characters if I'm convinced. Here's what I got (so far.): (SURPRISE! They can be used for Romance!) [color=ed1c24]JUST ADDED![/color] [hider=Gone Home - Modern, slice of life]A young couple go their separate ways when one decides to flee from home, giving their S/O the chance to either leave with them or say their goodbyes. Years later, after losing contact, muse A finally comes back in contact with their former love. They decide to catch up, muse B visiting the city that muse A fled to. When they finally meet once again, muse A reveals the many letters they wrote but never sent to muse B.[/hider] [hider=Action/Adventure: Modern and realistic]A plan was set in motion when billionaire Phnom Pahn heard of a rumor that there was treasure in a monastery in Cambodia. What is known about the location is limited, marking it as unknown territory to the foreigners that are about to explore the ancient temple. Angkor Wat is a sacred place, holding many gems - treasures that the richest man longs for. With the dangerous journey, precautions are made. Those who have agreed to Jacob Mayer's plans believe that the findings will be put to preservation - displayed in one of the largest museums in the world and studied at one of the most prestigious research programs. Angkor Wat was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Yaśodharapura, now known as Angkor. The temple was designed to be a dedication to Vishnu, a Hindu god. Now, it is known as one of the largest religious monuments - ruined over the centuries, nature taking the stone walls over. According to legend, the construction of Angkor Wat was ordered by Indra to act as a palace for his son Precha Ket Mealea. According to the 13th century Chinese traveler Daguan Zhou, it was believed by some that the temple was constructed in a single night by a divine architect. Twenty-seven years after Suryavarman died, the temple was sacked by the Cham, enemies of the Khmer. However, they did not find all of the riches that belonged to the sacred temple. Underground, within the Angkor Wat walls, there are the hidden treasures: are gems, gold jewelry, gifts that were made for the god Vishnu. Many modern-day treasure hunters have attempted to find the precious wealth, but none have succeeded. Not until now. The pair that Phnom Pahn has selected is comprised of two the most skilled of treasure hunters. (They'll have a dog to accompany them!!!! DOG!!!!!!!)[/hider] [Hider=Roomies?]A is in desperate need of a roomie, their last one couldn't deal with the constant disturbances within the neighborhood. B is desperate enough to move in with A despite knowing about the neighborhood. Will the two get along? How long will it take before they try killing each other?[/hider] [hider=THROWBACK]Remember that Total Drama Island show? I always thought it was hilarious and I'm itchin' to just bring it back. If you know the show, you basically know the jist of it. Crazy show host, two teams, battle it out in crazy-ass challenges for a million bucks. I was 11 when it first aired. Good times. We'll have our own characters. [/hider] [hider=Warning Call SCI-FI]This was made for a group, but can totally be for a 1x1!Wake up. Where are you? As a way to escape from the stress of constant battle, Priseq began testing for a solution, establishing the Zesec Augmented Reality system. Ten years ago, Priseq started out as a small company focusing on the progression of human communications: from cellular devices to the current platforms like holograms and the project still in testing, augmented reality. Their goal was to not only make communication easier, but to also make it as if you were in the same room as someone who is in a completely different country. In a literal sense. Ever since the continuous development, they've come to almost perfect the AR system, using volunteers to test the product. Having over 14 million testers, the AR system built its own utopia. Inhabiting people from all over the world, the Priseq integrated their own laws in the AR, having control over the people who have been involved in the testing. A small group (OR PAIR!), leading a revolt, planned against the system, only to be put into the Priseq High Security Prison. Those who have come close to escaping only get zapped to square one: Priseq Main Tower. [/hider] If you have suggestions for RPs, I'm totally open to them! Just PM me! **RECENTLY ADDED || FANDOM || ...Okay. Maybe I'll do fandoms, but I will ONLY use OC's. BOLD IS WHAT I REALLY WANT. [b]The Walking Dead Watch_Dogs[/b] Mass Effect Resident Evil Life is Strange (forever crying lmao) Tomb Raider Uncharted [b]The Last of Us Saints Row Farcry InFamous[/b] Dragon Age Witcher [b]Skyrim Fallout[/b] [b]Assassin's Creed OINTB Mad Max[/b] Harry Potter American Horror Story HISTORICAL|| [b]renaissance[/b] [b]edo period (japan, arranged marriage) victorian (arranged marriage)[/b] prohibition (angst, crime)