Undina arrived to the island, swimming into the shallows and flanked by a trio of King Triton's guards. She wasn't entirely sure why they'd been sent with her to begin with. It wasn't as if she had anywhere to escape to, or any reason to do so. Her only family was gone. It still hurt to think of her mother being gone, even as crazed as she'd been in the end. Truly, she was wondering why she had been ordered to do this. Was the king simply trying to be rid of her influence in his kingdom? Was he simply unwilling to marry off his other daughters to a stranger? Or maybe finding her a decent husband was some measure of apology? After all, she'd been allowed to take her posessions with her, and her new husband was said to come from 'good breeding', whatever that meant. She would probably never know. Exhaling, she summoned her power and released the spell held in the choker on her neck. Her tentacles twisted and weaved into two legs. Luckily she'd been practicing this since she'd been forced into this marriage farce. She stepped onto the shore barefoot, a loose skirt brushing against her thighs. Her legs were a bit sore, but that would hopefully wear off soon. With her white braids and lavender skin still dripping water, she politely bowed to the guards. "...thank you." It was the best she could do. "This is where we leave you, Miss Undina." The head guard had been polite, at the very least. "I do hope your wedding goes well. There are some handmaidens to attend you in the building there." Undina nodded as some attendants came to get her luggage. She flinched the first few steps, but eventually got walking toward the building where she was to be prepared.