Rocky nodded in response to the greeting he received, "[b]Good to see you too Do- er, Kabiri.[/b]" he'd said before shifting a bit to give his acquaintance more room, completely ignorant of the strange looks he and Kabiri may have received for the oddity that was their casual interaction. The ride from the station to the planet was only fifteen minutes, but to Rocky it may as well have been fifteen hours. From the very moment he'd caught a glimpse of the endless expanse of tree tops that made up the upper canopy of Vazoon's jungles Rocky had felt a primal stirring from deep within him. How long had it been since he'd been on a planet that wasn't already colonized into an ever expanding sea of metal and lights? How long had it been since he'd breathed natural, unfiltered air? The stirring only intensified as the ship landed and he filed out along with some of the others in an almost trance like state. The Skälen made it about three meters out of the vessel before coming to a sudden stop. A few people complained, most however moved around him quietly as a low rumbling noise came from somewhere within his chest. Rocky's eyes widened as his pupils contracted into razor thin slits, nostril flared as he took in clean oxygen, which, while not quite as concentrated as it was back home, was far and away cleaner than most anything he'd breathed recently. He stood stock still, drinking in the sights, sounds, and smells. It all felt natural: it all felt [i]right[/i]. The rumbling sound made its way into Rocky's throat, and was expelled as a low and drawn out growl as he felt suppressed instincts spark to life with renewed vigor. The growl was punctuated by a hiss as Rocky snapped back to his senses and realized he had earned himself a concerned stare or two. With a sheepish chuckle and an apology to those he may have frightened Rocky shuffled off to the side to watch over the researchers as they filed out until someone issued him an order.