The scent of fear struck a primal chord within the heart of the bestial woman that was Sakaala, but not in the manner one might have expected based upon outward appearance alone. Rather than taking pride in the man's fright as he carefully set down the axe, looking between her, the knights and the other mercenary, she recalled there was good reason to fear creatures like her. She said nothing more for the moment, not pausing either to recall why she and others [i]were[/i] rightfully feared. Instead, she drew up her leather sack by the straps, the same that bore the dozing halfling not too many steps outside the door, taking them both to near the fire's side. "I have no need for a room," Her strong arm gently set the satchel and other woman down beside the warm glow of the flames, "But I will pay you all the same as you have asked." She looked to Diagorides and then the door, or what remained of it, then turned her attention back to the inn's keeper. It was not a hollow gesture, her words to come, but moreover a practical one; a door was better than none. If it took a burly man to rip it clean from its hinges, then it was sturdy enough to slow most potential threats some. This night had ample conflict as it was and the soaking fur of the lioness' worn hide spoke quiet volumes about how much she was displeased with having to face another enemy so quickly on short notice. "... and I will mend your door." The tone she spoke in just as commanding as anything else she said, keeping her attention back again to the rest of her group and wherever this would-be assassin had gone. She trusted none of them too deeply, the knightly men more by virtue of their sworn codes and Diagorides by his love of challenge and coin, but more so than her former enemy - her former quarry. It would be difficult to divide what she had set her mind to doing, but if she could meditate on these things this night and perhaps even sleep, there might be more clarity yet. [@ArenaSnow][@Belwicket][@IcePezz][@Jon Y][@vietmyke][@Zero Hex]