[color=thistle][center][h3]Vivii[/h3][/center][/color] Vivii looked candidly at the others, inspecting them as she did her small birds, light blue eyes making their way from one to the next as unwavering as ever. She managed to somewhat smile, she tended to have what one of her friends at school had called a resting bitch face. Though she was completely happy she generally didn't smile unless she was thrilled about something and people said it made her look like a bitch and unfriendly though she was quite the opposite. She had major anxiety about it and cast a secondary glance at the others to see if they were inspecting her as well or giving her a dirty look. Her little finches seemed unbothered by the situation and sang happily, chirping brightly and reminding her that she was not alone. They were a comfort to her and she reached a slender hand towards the cage, quietly unlatching the mechanism that kept the small door to the cage closed. It was a pretty ornate bird cage not unlike one might find at an antique store long forgotten. The bars of hers were a muted black that made the beautiful copper accents shine that much more brightly. It was a rectangular cage with thin bars that allowed the best view of the bright birds within and the bottom was thick and covered with ornate and beautiful engravings that all seemed to be done by hand. She removed one of the tiny birds, the female of the pair. She was easily identified by the circular grey spots marring her red breast. Vivii smiled as she rubbed her hand along the bird's back and it chirped happily at her. "[color=thistle]For lack of better words I believe the one thing we have in common is that we speak the language the dragons speak.[/color]" Vivii offered a slim smile as she said the words though she was still looking at the little bird that rested on her index finger. The finch was not very large and had no fear, it had no reason to fear anything because it had never been accosted. Vivii had bought the pair as chicks and hand raised them. She was about to say something else when she heard or rather felt the ground shake as a giant beast landed before the pavilion. It was so large that as it peered within the pavilion it's breath made the plant life around them blow as if a tornado were near. Her little bird clung to her finger tightly with its small feet and she shielded it as best she could close to her body and with her other hand. Then she heard the voice, it was crisp and rough all at the same time, sounding like the ground itself was talking to them. "[color=NavajoWhite]It is so wonderful to see such a lovely bunch of young people who have chosen to join us![/color]" The ground reverberated with the sound of the voice like when Vivii turned the music in her car to loud when a song with heavy bass came on. She watched as the dragon's mouth moved and the windy breath that produced the voice surrounded her, blowing her already wild hair around her face. "[color=NavajoWhite]I'm sure you are all quite concerned and confused, you are all here because you carry a rare trait that allows you to speak and understand the language that we speak, Gaea. Gaea is the language of the earth itself and dragons are some of the few creatures left that speak it. Humans used to all speak this language, now there are so few that we must keep tabs on the bloodlines that can produce speakers. When they are born and reach the correct age we contact them and give them the opportunity you all have been given. You all are here to learn about dragons and the forces that Gaea can bring into your power. You will also be allowed into the incubation caverns to search for the dragon that will choose to soul bond with you. Something I will explain in more detail another time. For now however I will show you to the Feast Hall and the apartments here so that you all can begin settling in.[/color]" Vivii placed the tiny bird back in her cage before reaching to pick up her other things only to see her luggage along with that of the others being flown away by the smaller dragons. This dragon before her was like nothing she had ever seen even in books as a child. It was covered in thick armor like scales that were the color of dried clay, an odd off white color though it was darker the closer you got to the center of it's back. It's great wings were tucked along its sides. "[color=NavajoWhite]Oh dear, it's seems I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Dr. Nidhogg, director of this establishment.[/color]" His great head snaked back around to look at them as he spoke, brilliant nearly neon orange eyes looking at them. Atop his head rested a pair of rams horns that curled twice around and away from his face. Dr. Nidhogg headed easily off at a much slower pace than that which he was obviously able to achieve, seeming to walked in an exaggeratedly slow manner to allow Vivii and the other to keep up. The approached a large door which led into the side of the mountain. He spoke a phrase that she didn't understand and couldn't quite make out and the door creaked and groaned as it opened and rocks slid to make to door big enough to accommodate the dragon. Vivii could only watch in amazement at the spectacle. She had to jog to keep up and she felt sorry for her little birds as she bounded along to keep pace with the dragon. The doctor never looked behind him only continuing down a large ramp and into a beautifully styled restaurant that seemed to have a large buffet out. "[color=navajowhite]You are free to eat as much as you like, once you have finished you will be shown to your rooms.[/color]"