*Ten miles ago* ~Mile marker 854, repeat transmission. "Mr. Gutsy 5186 to Red Witch, come in... No reply.~ *Ten miles later* ~Mile marker 864, repeat transmission. "Mr. Gutsy 5186 to Red Witch, come in... No reply.~ *Ten miles later* ~Mile marker 874, repeat transmission. "Mr. Gutsy 5186 to Red Witch, come in... Ping response. Searching...Settlement found, recalculating course for New Hope. Ping reply adjustment for every mile.~ ~Mile marker 875, repeat transmission. "Mr. Gutsy 5186 to Red Witch, come in...Mile marker 876, repeat transmission. "Mr. Gutsy 5186 to Red Witch, come in...~ For the next few hours he was pinging every 20 minutes or so to 'Red Witch' until he was within the mile marker of the city. He floated himself to the center of New hope and rested his thruster as he calmly pinged for a response. He was so glad he replaced his flamer-fuel-only thruster for a fusion-thruster-alternator ages ago, it was so much easier to find Fusion cells from old cars than to find "Mr Handy" fuel laying around. But now he could rest and repeat until a response. ~"Mr. Gutsy 5186 to Red Witch, come in...Radio silence is a death sentence."~