Seeing all the complains about "lack of creativity/originality", "no diversity", "annoying fandom spams"... Creativity only can arise through inspirations of existing things - meaning, you cannot create something from absolute nothingness. No matter how "original" you claim your idea is, there's always someone out there who will shoot you down with, "Hey, isn't this idea very familiar? Haven't I seen this somewhere before? Isn't this based on/inspired from ?" No, I am not defending fandom RPs or whatever is the mainstream at the moment, but saying that fandom = uncreative is: [quote=@Gowi]obtuse and illogical[/quote] Instead of just making sweeping statements such as "fandom is killing creativity", "fandom is limiting and stealing attention away from potentially good original RPs", why can't people try to think out of the box: who says you can't be creative even within an existing work's world? Or be more ambitious enough to work even harder to be able to shift their attention away from all these "hateful fandom whores" by making people to get inspired by [i]your[/i] "original" ideas instead? Also, it's people's freedom to be interested in whatever they want to like as much as you hate what they like, and they are free not to be interested in whatever your "original" idea is because they simply don't click with what you like. [quote=@Gowi]Guild's diversity isn't the issue, to be fair, just because your taste doesn't align with it.[/quote] ...Just my random two-cents, yeah. /shrugs