[quote=@jakeb1993] With regards to the spam, maybe having a email confirmation before you are allowed to post might help? Or perhaps a team of moderators have to authorise your first 3 posts on the forum like the do on KSP [/quote] Email confirmation's a good idea. If not email, maybe a random question taken from a list of simple questions, like "1+1=?". Heck, you could probably keep the questions true to the site's theme... such as "What is this site about?", "State a category of roleplay available in this website.", etc. I'm hesitant about the idea of asking for a sample post as confirmation. A beginner to roleplaying wouldn't have much, if any, samples, and would probably be turned away from this site for that reason. ReCAPTCHA is pretty easily beaten by bots nowadays, so finding an alternative to pair it up with or replace it altogether might make it easier in the long-run. [url=http://nedbatchelder.com/text/stopbots.html]This[/url] article has a few great points, though it might be considered a bit old.