When the introductions went around, Fazra named herself, "Sir Fazra of Sungrave." The lit the pursuer on fire, and before too long the only thing left of him was ash and the axe she had taken. That was good, it was likely the only thing of value, and it wouldn't do to leave much more of a trace. The others were asking after their location, and she came to understand that both of the newcomers, as well as Cyrano, were new to the Endless halls. There were a lot of newcomers, it seemed. "You are in the Endless Halls, friends," she told them. "The name is true. It is endless. This here," she gestured toward the darker hallway they had just left, "Is called the Bright Road. This part of it is not so bright." She pointed back the way she had come, "We say Lightward," she pointed the other direction, "And Darkward on the Road. I was heading Darkward, to see what is there. If you want to be safe, head Lightward."