[quote=@ArcaneUnit] :D [color=fff79a][b]Testosterone causes menopause[/b][/color]. [color=fdc68a]which is depressing because it is permanent.[/color] [color=f9ad81]And Lesbianism [b]promotes 3sums with womanizers[/b][/color], [b][color=f9ad81]corrupt rich people and criminals[/color][/b], [color=f7976a][i]as well as promoting rape and suicide[/i]. [/color][color=f26522][i]Also, the corrupt politicians made up[i] a[/i] religion[/i][/color], [i][b]called Evolution[/b][/i], [i][color=f26522]and they fund it heavily to make women whores for the rich. They're the Gaylords who illegaly legalized homosexuality against democratic practice***[/color][/i] [color=aba000][i]And little bigoted boys promote it in hopes of getting their dicks wet.[color=8dc73f] Because they are assholes[/color][/i][/color] [color=007236]But the real problem there is, [/color][b][color=007236]that it is entirely man made[/color][/b] [color=00746b]and no one has seen [b]any [/b][color=00a99d]evidence [/color]there is actual evidence [/color][color=1a7b30]for Evolution [/color][color=39b54a]and simply Arrogantly promote it to encourage[/color] [color=a0410d]adultery[/color]. [i][b]BUT, the thing that cuts, more than the fact that those are arrogant sins, not ignorant sins is:[/b][/i] [color=004b80]You are immortals,[/color] [color=003471]and this is the Kingdom of heaven,[/color] [color=1b1464]and we are at war.[/color] [color=440e62]and the only other option other than appreciating what God called Good,[/color] [color=630460]his one and only option and preference[/color]... [color=9e005d]Is hell,[/color] [color=ed1c24]where he justified your eternal condemnation with, You being bigots and reinforcing womanizer's and corrupt perspectives[/color]. Che'ah's. [i][color=f7941d]'Bitch' and I give you the full 10-4[/color][/i] [/quote] I can't tell what's more of an eyesore: the unreadable colors you use, or the sheer unadulterated nonsense you're spouting. Congratulations! You've found out our top secret Gay Agenda! We don't want freedom to express our affections towards any gender of choice. Our aim is to take over the world and destroy it. Good fucking job.