So a few questions here before I toss my hat in the ring. - You mentioned a reasonable time limit for posting, but also that players could move past you after X days. I work a job where most of the time I'm out for 10 days on the road, working 12+ hour days, so it's likely 10-day stretches without posts will happen often with me. I don't want to keep getting brushed past. - Are we only allowed more... well known historical figures? I don't mean well known as in only people who did great things, but well known as in knowledge of them is widespread (specifically widespread in the "Western World"). As opposed to more "locally" or "eastern" known heroes. (Say, Admiral Yi from Korea who almost singlehandedly prevented his country from falling to the Japanese, or Uesugi Kenshin from Sengoku Japan, said to be an avatar of Bishamonten, the Buddhist God of War). As a history lover there are [i]tons[/i] of people I rarely see referenced or used. - Uh, due to that last sentence, I may end up making more than one character at some point. If anything about multiple characters was stated I missed it in my reading of the OOC. Is this permitted?