Stealing furtive glances to the bar, Caractacus regretted not having any coin. His stomach grumbled with hunger, and his throat was parched from the long march to the tavern. He certainly couldn't play card games for money like the clown. Unless someone needed a pair of skeletons in the middle of the bar, he was out of luck. With a sigh, Caractacus took a seat at an empty table, and rested his staff against it. Caractacus swung his gaze over the room, skating over the jester and his crowd, and latching onto an armored figure storming down the stairs. Could this be the knight he was to meet? He stared at the warrior as she took a table close to the staircase, across the living half of the room from him. Caractacus grabbed his staff, and stood. He slowly crossed the room and stopped, standing across the table from her. He spoke with his usual elocution and confidence.. [color=dimgray]"Uh...hi."[/color] He stood there, letting the greeting stand in the air.