[center][h3][color=fff200]Angel Lyublyu[/color][/h3] A Start ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ "[b]MR.RABBIT WAIT!![/b]" "GAH! *huff~...Huff~*" Angel woke up hearing his voice echo. He had been in the same place for a while just remembering how he got to Wonderland. But when he looked around his surrounding he was nicely placed in the backyard grass of katrina's garden. "oops...i slept here without permissions again." he stood up slowly. he brushed off any mess that had grabbed onto him while in slumber which made him smile saying he had took a well rested noon nap now the day looked holy in it's brightness and the flowers singing so sweetly aside. he walked around the garden slipping back onto the shimmering stone path that led to the bakery he walked up to it seeing the sign for hire. he squinted his eyes thinking deeply and when he came to a conclusion he snapped his finger slipping a pen and notepad from his pocket and wrote in the finest cursive he could muster. "Note to self find a way to make money, so i can purchase with money." He scurried off down the paths making his way back to the hatters estate. [i][b]*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:* THE HATTERS ESTATE *:.。. .。.:*・゚゚・*[/b][/i] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ He unlocked the door to his room and looking around at the large paintings, his small bed and clothing drawers and sighed. "I need a storage room. These painting aren't even displayed properly not like a gallery at least." He began putting his things away along with his notepad and some trash he found in his pocket except! "Naaaah! don't TTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHROW me in there!!" The very regal flower scoffed at angels attempt at ending her life without giving any thought. "Flower lilly? Sorry Madam you felt like a weed i apologize. would you like to be returned-" "WEED!? HOW DARE YOU! But you were wrong humpf! NO NO!...this place...is...a Lilies type...This is mine now! Place me nicely somewhere i can eat properly the beams of light and a sweet angel cake with sweet earth tears on the side~~~~~[b]♬[/b]. Then i shall be most hapaaaayy~[b]♬[/b] in my new residence." Angel smiled at the very imaginative creature so he did as she asked pulling up a bowl gathering Soil and placed "her majesty" on the window seal on her happiest side. His window, where he would sit and paint with the wind blowing at a nice breeze no matter the time of year his room sat next to the mountain where barely anything gets through into this small crevice. and today he had just the perfect muse for the painting. As she sang when he spoke to her naturally he painted her but how he felt so bored painting only a box and not enough. his heart clenched thinking about painting somewhere NEW. "Are you listening?" He nodded and sang back to her i a soprano serenade. "But~~~~~ of course[b]♪♥[/b] The Flower clapped excitedly and he bowed to her and continued his painting of Madame Lily. [/center]