[h2][center][u]Nikolai Arkaden[/u][/center][/h2] [center] Auditorium/Testing Room [/center] Nikolai wanted to argue more with the translator, he understood the Russian government only cared for a select few of its citizens. He grumbled and watched as people went to their assigned coaches, he saw Irina walk off and shrugged it off. If he let on that she was a friend they could use that against him. After some of the coaches left he noticed one woman beaming at him. She was a very short woman. She was plump too, he almost laughed. She was going to be the woman to rein him in. Her brown hair fell in a carefully trimmed bowl around her face which made her seem like an acorn. She held a clip board over her chest and had a light smile on her face, which created dimples in her already red face. Nikolai walked up to her and looked down at her with his arms crossed, she was hardly taller than a 10 year old. The woman's teeth were immaculately white, they looked as if they'd been soaked in bleach. "Я думаю Вы говорите по-русски?" Nikolai asked grumpily. (I geuss you speak Russian?) "Я говорю на многих языках г-н Luzchezke, один из которых происходит на русском языке. Мое имя - Бэки Tomkins, я буду Ваш автобус и будет проводить тесты на вашем основных показателей жизнедеятельности." She said in flawless Russian. (I speak many languages Mr. Luzchezke, one of which happens to be Russian. My name is Doctor Becky Tomkins, I'll be your coach and will conduct tests on your vitals.) Nikolai eyed the woman, she was happy for whatever reason. And her happiness made him even more grumpy. She gestured for him to follower her and the pair exited the auditorium and walked to the testing rooms. Nikolai was told to sit and did as he was told. He was exhausted, and undoubtedly jet-lagged. His ribs still hurt and he had a headache that could warrant being sedated. Quickly the idea of being sedated was pushed out of his mind, he didnt want to be a government plaything. He watched as the doctor prepared a needle and asked for his arm. He was reluctant to give it to her then she rolled a stool over and sat in it. She grabbed his arm and he ripped it away from her, he sat up and readied to give her a fight. She simply had a disappointment look on her face. "Я знаю вы не боитесь игл, с тем чтобы дать мне руку, я не собираюсь к Вам больно." She spoke, her tone like she was addressing a child. (I know you're not afraid of needles so give me your arm, I'm not going to hurt you.) Nikolai sighed and set his arm at his side with the elbow pit up. She wiped his skin with a small cotton square and inserted the needle, he didnt have a problem with it but it was annoying to be handled like a child. After she finished drawing blood she grabbed her clipboard, she proceeded to ask him a set of questions. "If you dont mind I think you can answer these questions in English?" She asked with a kind smile, like a mother trying to urge her child to practice tying his shoes. "Fine," Nikolai said looking at the woman dead on, his eyes conveyed murderous intent. "I know your name is Nikolai Luzchezke, given to you by the Luzchezke Orphanage. Green eyes, black hair, 5 foot 10 inches. Decorated in many tattoos." She put a disapproving tone behind her last sentence, "With a lack of medical history it's difficult to guess what triggered your powers." She marked some boxes on her clip board then whipped her head up, "I almost forgot you get a phone call!" Nikolai looked at her angrily. He was fighting the urge to shout in her face but kept quiet, letting his eyes convey the obvious distaste he had for her. She understood the problem a moment later and cleared her throat. She finished up her questioning and leaned back on her stool. "So do you have any questions for me?" She asked. "How do you expect to coach this?" Nikolai said putting a hand to his chest, "It just happens, no control. No sign before happening, I just am here then there." "I intend on testing your responses to various things, seeing if emotions, or stimulus can get your ability to trigger. Then from there we can narrow it down to an exact response and have it so you can control it. Anything else?" Nikolai shook his head and was ushered back to his quarters, room 9. He walked inside, not bothering to lock the door, it was a very nice room. Nicer than any room he'd ever stayed in, he knew deep down it wasnt his home but he liked it. It was clean and smelled nice. He looked around and tried to see if any of his things had been brought here as well. Nothing. He was going to need some clothing, he and his current clothes hadnt been washed in three days. He shrugged off his leather vest and then tossed it onto the bed. He pulled off his boots and then his jeans and boxers before walking into the bathroom. He was confused mildly by the modern style shower handle then found a way to make the water heat up. He liked having a steamy shower, it was the only way to get the gel out of his hair. As he waited for the shower to reach his desired heat he looked at himself in the mirror, muscular but not ripped. He flexed his chest and watched as the tattoos on his chest bulged. He especially liked the tattoo in the center of his chest, it was a cartoon heart with a dagger through it. Ribbons encircled it and they read 'Love is Hell'. The dagger itself had the name 'Alicia' written on the blade. He leaned close to the mirror and checked on his dragons, the left one only being recently finished with the skin still somewhat raw. He saw steam crowding around the mirror and climbed into the shower, the hot water hit his skin and he smiled. He began singing a slow Russian folk song, [url=https://youtu.be/0dHsirjbPIA?t=633]'Gori, gori moya zvezda'[/url] written by Ivan Rebroff. The song required a loud voice but he didnt mind being loud, this was the only song he knew that could be sung without music. He sang loud and proudly as his mohawk was taken down around his head. Falling victim to the water and steam it slowly became a stream of hair running down the side of his head.