Ig’s hand was quickly pressed against one of the sides of the blue cube and felt a rush of knowledge and visions flood his mind. In moments he understood the morphing process and the rules and limitations this power had and the importance for them to win this war. It was not only the fate of Earth that hung in the balance but many other planets that would fall to the Yeerks if they failed and allowed the alien slugs to control so many new hosts. The alien ordered them to leave but Jimmy was still trying to find a way to save the Andalite’s life. Ig felt pangs of grief for the alien, they had just met the creature but he had come a long way to save a planet that was not his own. He still had so many questions; why was this alien fighting such an important battle alone, would more of his people come as it seemed if the Yeerks took control here it would be devastating for the rest of the galaxy, could such a small group really make difference against an entire alien race. If this alien was willing to die for Earth than he was to, whatever it took he’d make a difference. “Thank you.” He said simply to the alien. “For giving us a fighting chance.” He bowed his head to the alien. “Jimmy, I don’t think he can.” Ig said wondering if it was because of some strategy or if there was a point when the body became too weak to morph; judging by the alien’s injuries it wouldn’t surprise Ig if the alien lacked the strength and focus to go through the transformation. He felt a need to avenge this noble warrior, it find his enemies the Yeerks and their Vissers, and strike them down. He followed Audrey and others out of the ship, with no morphs to battle in they needed to leave before trouble showed up or they’d all be sitting ducks. The thought of being able to become any animal he could touch opened up so many possibilities. It was exciting to think about be able to see through the eyes of another species, to fly as hawk, to run as wolf, or swim as a shark.