[quote=@0w0] So sadly I read through this, and well, it was both hilarious and sad. Anyway, while I do consider my self Nationalist (some would evan say Alt-Right), I still recognize the fact that Hitler was a horrible person. With this, I do believe that Fascism (used under the same system that Franco used in Spain) can be efficient and a good form of government, while Communism will always result in the eventual fall of a nation. I also believe that Socialism is ineffective and will not work in countries with large populations (such as the USA). EDIT: Feminism is a sexist ideology built upon irrational hatred of men and Tumblr should be shut down. EDIT 2: America is not a nation of immigrants, Amy Shumer (however you spell its name) is a shitty comedian.[color=ed1c24][u][b] Basketball is the best sport. [/b][/u][/color] [/quote] I'LL SIGN MY NAME ONTO THAT ONE. LONG LIVE THE KING. On that note... LeBron James is better than Michael Jordan.