[@AlysCole] Rations will not necessarily run out. Many of the colonies are farm colonies, and help feed the stations. And Station to specializes in farming, and agriculture. (Cosma is one of the alien plants.) Nutrition powder = is like a more advanced form of Soylent or other meal replacement powders. It meets all nutritional requirements for an average adult. People are given nutrition powder when they collect their monthly rations. Nutrition powder is used as a substitute for real natural food as farming it not very easy to do in space, and the colonies, space station two, and planet Cosma's farms, can not fit the supply with demand for real food. People can make soups, patties, mash, gelatin, pudding, cream, bread, and cheese consistency things to eat from the powder, but it taste like chalk, mixed with sawdust, so thats where 'concentrated Flavor extracts' come in. A tablespoon of extract onto a serving of powder makes it taste like what ever flavor you chose to buy. Not only do the extracts come in simple ingredient flavors such as banana, butter, cheddar, ham, tomato, chocolate, or potato, so that you can mix up your own meal, but they also come in meal flavors like, beef stew, fried chicken, BBQ ribs, gumbo, tacos, seafood Alfredo, pizza, or stir-fry. [hider=Monthly Rations] Ration day is the 10th of every months. This is also the day anything ordered from outside the Station is available to pick up. Pick up at the Ration depo, is organized alphabetically by last name, A-E come at 5:00am, F-K at 7:00am, J-P at 9:00am, Q-U at 11:00am, and V-Z at 1:00pm. Pick up for payed for orders happens after 3:00pm. Stores, Restaurants, businesses, all come to pick up there: ingredients, stock, supplies, merchandise, tools, and other things they ordered. Individuals can also trade in old shoes for a new pair every 6th months for free. Things in parenthesizes mean you can be given any of them, depending on whatever is in stock/season. ----------- Basic Monthly Rations for ages 14 and up. - A package of 100 gelatin sheets -Three 16 oz Jars (Jam, pickled eggs, spiced peaches, honey, olives, pickled peppers, sauerkraut, tomatoes, applesauce, nut butter, rice, powdered milk, Pickled beets, radishes, sprouts, or Cosma syrup.) - Three Cans of Meat (Native Fish/meat from Cosma, Salami, jerky, spam, chopped liver, chicken, beef gravy, Ham, or Vienna sausage.) - Ten Shower Tokens - 1 1/2 cups of sugar - 1 cup salt - 24 oz of (butter, oil, margarine, or lard) - 4 cups of (soy flour, rice flour, corn flour, barley flour, or regular flour) - A 10 oz package of freeze dried (Banana, Mango, apples, peaches, corn, peas, papaya, or prunes) - six 5lbs bags Nutrition powder - A box of 60 water purification tablets. - A 1.5 oz tube of mint toothpaste - 30 days worth of deodorant powder - 5 laundry tokens - Small can of Beans (Pinto, lima, kidney, butter, lentils, Garbanzo, or soy) - Refill of Multi-Vitamins (only if you bring in your old bottle for refill) - One Treat (candy, wine, beer, marshmallows, lotion, underwear, package of biscuits, dozen eggs, art supplies, a carbonated beverage, package of noodles, a few potatoes, raisins, yarn, candles, popcorn kernels, rum, canned yams, coffee beans, teabags, mustard, hot sauce, socks, tissues, tape, cheese wedge, or a pack of cigarettes. Just to name a few) ------------- *** Only For women/parents with babies between the ages of NB-1 year old. - Baby Formula 480 oz. - Baby food - 15 jars (Banana, peas, carrots, apple, mixed veggies, beef & potatoes, cinnamon oatmeal, mixed berry, chicken & gravy, veggies & rice, green beans, or yams) - 1 baggy of Baby powder - 14 oz can of condensed milk. -------------- *** Children Rations Ages 6-13 - A package of 100 gelatin sheets - one 18 oz Jar (Jam, pickled eggs, spiced peaches, applesauce, olives, pickled peppers, sauerkraut, tomatoes, honey, nut butter, rice, powdered milk, Pickled beets, radishes, sprouts, or Cosma syrup.) - Two Cans of Meat (Native Fish/meat from Cosma, spam, Salami, jerky, chopped liver, chicken, beef gravy, Ham, or Vienna sausage.) - Ten Shower Tokens - 1/2 cup of sugar - 1 cup salt - 20 oz of (butter, oil, margarine, or lard) - 3 cups of (soy flour, rice flour, corn flour, barley flour, or regular flour) - A 15 oz package of freeze dried (Banana, Mango, apples, peaches, corn, peas, papaya, or prunes) - five, 5lbs bags Nutrition powder - A box of 60 water purification tablets. - A 1.5 oz tube of bubble gum toothpaste - 4 cups of plain oatmeal - 2 laundry tokens - 1 Small can of Beans (Pinto, lima, kidney, butter, lentils, Garbanzo, or soy) - Refill of children Multi-Vitamins (only if you bring in your old bottle for refill) - One Treat (candy, marshmallows, underwear, package of biscuits, condensed sweetened milk, art supplies, a carbonated beverage, package of noodles, raisins, yarn, popcorn kernels, canned yams, pistachios, hot coco powder, socks, cheese wedge, small tube of yogurt, or juice box. Just to name a few) [/hider]