Feri's eyebrows tightened together in a light frown as the dog - Gideon - sniffed at her, leaning away slightly at first, but then allowing the action. The dog was nearly as tall as she was, but she'd learnt to not be frightened by things bigger than her. Which... was kind of necessary when you were only slightly taller than your average dwarf, and most things were taller than yourself. [color=teal]"Only a man from Fereldan would introduce his Mabari before himself."[/color] She said dryly, gently and somewhat awkwardly patting the top of Gideon's head - he seemed pleased with what he sniffed at, anyway. Her eyes then turned directly towards Gideon. [color=teal]"As for you, if you get aboard this ship, I hope you enjoy eating mice. There's no way we'd get a mouser on board with a Mabari bounding about."[/color] Any cat in it's right mind would avoid the bloody ship like the plague with this great Fereldan beast on it, and she couldn't blame them. Gideon could probably eat her in one swallow. Seeing that the older human was sat down and finished, Feri stepped forward. She would have allowed the Fereldan to go first, what with her having arrived after him - but she wouldn't take long in her own introductions. [color=teal]"I'm Ferirev Kobald - most call me Feri. I'm a Duelist, and haven't lost a fair battle since I was but a whelp learning the trade. I grew up among pirates - if you want somebody with experience being your right hand, I'd be happy to offer my services."[/color] Naturally, Feri was after a high ranking role like First Mate. There were many things she'd be willing to do to get back on the open waters - but starting off with a job like cabin girl or scullery maid? She'd sooner take this monstrous Captain on in a fist-fight. With that done, she took a seat by Evelyn's side, sliding a mug towards herself and tasting the liquid. [color=teal][i]"Huh - this is better than the Hanged Man's swill. I should have come to Hightown more often."[/i][/color] She thought to herself, downing the remainder of the ale before filling the mug back up again.