[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/RP%20WIZARDS/Demetri_zps5kbvgxxp.jpg[/img] DEMETRI LUTECE 45 YEARS OLD 01/01/1100 Demetri is the son of Demetrios Lutece, and is the second to last regeneration. He was "born" outside of the Main City, but once he reached his early twenties he was allowed to return. His father is the current adviser to the King so Demetri was given a large house to live in, which is coincidentally right next to the Mancini Mannor. This caused him to have a good relationship with Valyn and Valiant and their children. He became best friends with their son Valente and was one of the first ones to find out about his powers. He was also the one who helped create a distraction at the party to help Valente escape after turning the Prince of Demons into a duck. After that, his father Demetrios punished him by sending him to the North to work in the Labor Camps there.[/center]