[color=yellow]"I don't think the inn is being robbed."[/color] Tarden muttered to himself, as if saying the words out loud would help him to believe them. He grabbed his pick and slowly headed downstairs. Foot after foot he creeped down the stairs and took a concealed look at the assembled group. [color=yellow][i]Okay, the bar is being robbed[/i][/color] was the only conclusion he could draw. The various strangers that had entered the bar all towered around Jarkson as he cowered behind the bar. Well, except for one child who slept in the arms of a young man. The door lay across the floor in some pieces, and Tarden could only attribute that to the great hulking ball of muscle who stood stoically to the side. Jarkson was probably on his own, Tarden didn't think he take any one of them in a duel, let alone all of them. [color=yellow][i]Except maybe the child[/i][/color] he mused. [color=yellow][i]Actually, I couldn't hit a child. I would lose that fight too.[/i][/color] and his self esteem lowered just that little bit more [color=darkseagreen]"On second thought, I would like the strongest stuff you got, and I'll take that now, thank you."[/color] It was one of the politest requests from a thief Tarden had heard, and she didn't look overly threatening to be honest. [color=yellow][i]Eyes fool, minds don't![/i][/color] his father had once told him, and it was a much better idea to stay back before he jumped to any conclusions. He had an uneasy sense of danger when he looked at her. If it came to a fight he knew she'd be much faster than him, but he had every other advantage. But deep down, he still knew he'd lose, and he couldn't put his finger on why he felt that. He quickly moved himself back into a concealed position and thought about what he could do, singing a silent prayer that Jarkson had this under control.