Max grimaced as Azai rushed in. From his body language, he was prepared to confront the shade that stood in front of them. Max had to give him some credit for that- he meant well, and in all fairness he didn't know the situation when he came in. Azai was brave, there was no doubt about it. But bravery without knowledge was worse than cowardice. Max laid a calming hand on Azai's shoulder, gently led him a distance away from the shade. "Azai, it's alright. I'll handle this, this is my specialty. Whatever you do, don't look at it, don't speak to it. Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself or it'll chew you up like a box of crackerjacks and spit out the prize." With that, he turned and walked back to the center of the room. He removed the foxy hat and held it to his chest out of respect, he lowered his eyes in submission. Dealing with these things was all about respect. "Shalom," he said by way of greeting. "Please pardon this mortal interrupting in your affairs, but you and your brethren must know that you have been slighted." He gestured to the alchemist's circle. "Alchemy, shamanism, arcanology, enchantments. Spells that take years to master, and yet this arrogant whelp must be a prodigy for he has made it work." He risked eye contact with the shade, trying to convey how serious he was. "But this puerile taste of power has made him arrogant. Not once did this callow youth think to consult you, to ask your favor, even so much as a stick of incense or glass of liquor as an offering. The old ways are best. The youth requires a small lesson in humility."