Ciara laid on her bed after a exhausting day. She had teh feeling however, that her day was far from over. She had a lot to think about, a lot to set straight. ''right what where my goals again'' She said to herself as she rolled of her bed and landed onto the floor. ''one, I am going to be the greatest witch that has ever walked the earth. Two, I am going to make sure we get an understanding between hunters and witches. three, Danthalions circle will be added to my grimoire'' Ciara sighed as she slid further on the ground. ''four, I am going to make sure I will become a mistress worthy of Botis's service'' she said, adding another goal to her huge list. ''and five, I am going to find myself an handsome man'' ciara giggled at the thought alone, she was still a girl after all. She dreamt of those kind of things as well. Her giggle soon faded as she felt the precence of Botis near Robur, only to dissapear soon afterwards. The strain of having him around dissapeared with him, wich made Ciara feel lonely. She really wanted to talk to him and Cherub about some past events. Mainly the Midnight rose organization. Surgat had been with her at the time but the other two didn't know a thing about that. Her peacefull thoughts were heavely interupted by a door slamming open and the two little ones charging in to her room. ''MISTRESSS'' they both cried as they flew into her arms. ''what happend this time'' Ciara said putting on a smile for their sake. ''Botis, that meany. He left even tough we asked him to stay'' Cherub said pouting as Ciara sighed. She had not expected anything els from him, but had secretly hoped he'd stay. ''He also said that he wouldn't return until you could summon him'' Cherub again sniffed. Ciara stiffend at the sound of the words. ''Was that [i]exactly [/i]what he said?'' She said concerned as all the white pulled ut of her face. No way that he could leave her...right? Ciara knew that there was a possebilety he had grown tired of her so soon. She was a weak, in constand need of help, no killing, failure of a witch. ''hush now, I am sure he will come by to eat some apple pie or somehting, I doubt that will be the last we'd seen of him'' The though of summoning Botis on her own was nothing more than a far off mere dream right now. It would take a while for her to obtain such a power. ''It will be alright'' Ciara wisperd more to herself than to the little ones. ~one week later~ Ciara sat in the top of Robur practecing her magic spells, she had found out that ever since the battle with the vampire hunters her mana output had increased. Her turned to ash spell wasn't such a strain on her anymore, though she still had a time limit of half an houre to deal with now. The emptyness and silence around the tree had been buggin Ciara for a while now. She had already gotten used to Botis teasing the little ones and having them bicker over an cookie or such. She had still held onto the faint glimmer of hope he'd return to her, hoping that it had been his stubbornes talking again. Ciara sighed and tapped with her feet on the branch of Robur. sigh tap tap tap tap tap sigh tap ''cats N'hell'' She said angry rushing down to her Bookshelf. ''like hell you will get out of our contract you idiot'' She yelled to herself while searching for the airbubble spel. This was an spell that formed an bubble of air around the casters head, filtering the air thus making sure the caster always had a fresh supply of air around. The main reason she was searching for this spell was because of the air within the netherworld. It had a time limit but it was all she had for now, it was better than nothing. ''found it'' She exclaimed happily as she started to draw Botis his summonig circle. ''aquafolium'' She chanted before activating the circle. She looked around making sure the little ones were not around, she did not wanted to bring them to any potentional danger. Quickly she jumped into the circle, doing the most stupid or brave thing in her entire life, more stupid actually. As Ciara slammed through the portal and onto the ground she felt a pressure on her body, unabeling her to move. Her body was pinned to an old rug, that lay on the floor of an long hallway. Ciara's body needed time adjusting to the athmospheer of the plae, but slowly she felt herself being able to move. She had 40 minutes to find Botis, convince/slamm it back into his head that they had a contract that need to be uphold. Once she was able to move she started to walk around the place. 7 minutes had passed.