[i]”Sure, sure, whatever.”[/i] Coal’s thought grumbled as he let out an exasperated sigh. Scolded for throwing away a hunk of metal? With the freezing temperatures, and rot that caked the room, Coal would be surprised if they were able to find anything on that ring. But better safe than sorry right? Coal would usually agree, but this seemed ridiculous. Coal still remained motionless, and didn’t snap at Azai. Judging his partner’s expression, he guessed he came to the same conclusion. Angry Runaway Kid was the “mastermind” behind the plan. Coal admitted to himself he was a little disappointed, he had high hopes it’d be some gruesome beast, not just some washed up kid. Though, that same washed up kid did summon a possibly eternal winter, even though it was possibly by accident. [i]”Now what?”[/i] he thought. They reached their logical conclusion, everything after that would just be speculation. That was it. No monsters, no magic, no battle, just nothing- [b]”Hurry Coal, I have a bad feeling about that energy coming from downstairs, and my hunch is very good. Be ready for anything.“[/b] The fact someone called onto him for help stunned Coal into silence, he was frozen as Azai rushed downstairs to whatever energy he felt. He was broken out of his trance as the echo of Azai’s footsteps were swallowed up by the whistle of the wind. He hurried down stairs, Cerberus hot on his heels, something exciting was happening. Now was possibly the time to prove himself! He bounded down the stairs with almost supernatural grace, landing onto the landing with a soft [i]thump[/i] as the soggy wood creaked under his weight. Drawing his Athames from literally thin air, a soft sparkle emitting from his forgotten Rainbow Dust now spread too thin to have any effect, he braced himself at the doorway, peering into the darkness. As his eyes pierced the gloom, Cerberus raised his back, hissing at a shadow as he hid himself behind Coal. He readied his blade, only to almost drop it in shock. No one was doing anything. Everyone just stood back as Max bowed down to the [i]thing[/i], and asked for forgiveness. Every bone in Coal’s body tensed and screamed at him to do something. Throw your blade, mutter a prayer, cast a spell. [i]Something[/i]. But the wave of uneasiness that hit Coal like a punch to the gut when seeing the thing convinced him to stay still as Max did his thing. Even though he had no idea what it was, he knew it was powerful, best not anger it. But never hurts to keep a blade ready just incase, right?