[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjM4NjhkNi5RV2RsYm5RZ1NHbHNiQSwsLjA,/self-destruct-button-bb.regular.png[/img] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7um8z6qa11rsy50k.gif[/img] [b][color=3868d6]Location:[/color][/b] [color=#6c8bd4]SHIELD Campus Atrium/Assembly Hall[/color] [b][color=3868d6]Interactions:[/color][/b] [color=#6c8bd4]@Everyone, Pretty Much.[/color] [hr][hr][/center] [color=cccccc]Reading over the allotted dossiers for the new years felt almost surreal. The thing is, Maria never signed up for this shit: she had a well paying, cushy job under Pepper Pots (she had to make that clear; she didn't work for Tony, she worked for [i]Pepper[/i]), when shit hit the fan, it was no longer her job to monitor every little detail of subduing the threat. Honestly, the job itself didn't allow for much excitement and after Hydra's Uprising and the Avengers spat, Hill didn't see an issue with laying low for years to come. Hell, retirement sounded absolutely amazing. The first few days, however, came and went and the dull life of hardly any actual work got to her. Rebuilding SHIELD had always been Coulson's job, Fury made that clear when directing her to assist his team. In the years to come, through the absolute bombshells that rocked the earth, Coulson had done a fabulous job of resurrecting a once dead spy agency. Now it came down to the line, eventually leading to the formation of an Academy. After the incident with the UN, Bucky Barnes, and Helmut Zemo the Avengers required a back up, or at least a shit ton of contingency plans. The years it took to reform everything, bind old and new wounds alike, became a trying effort that effectively put Avenging on a waiting list - something Captain Rogers didn't take too kindly to. Still, years later, the rift only moved a margin and while things did look better in the long run, everything seemed to come full circle. Hill just hoped to whatever deity presided out there that it didn't take another death to pull everyone's head's out of their asses. Fortunately, the few remaining Avengers took to aiding in the reformation and contingency plan with little complaints. Technically, SHIELD recruited them a second time, avoiding the bigger heads like Steve and most of his team. Though, that bombshell would eventually blow up in their faces. After Hydra, after the helicarrier, any secrets kept from the big guy himself seemed a personal affront. An affront that she would let Phil deal with. An angry super soldier and his overprotective boyfriend (jesus) in an enclosed space became a blender for immediate disaster. Tony knew that well enough, even so many years later. After another cursory glance at the small compiling of students - SHIELD Academy's second year came as a beta test, a trial to see if this would actually work in the long run before allowing even more candidates through their doors - Maria stepped through her office, an official SHIELD Starkpad stuffed neatly under her arm. Once the rest of the administrators had been alerted and the clock ticked 7:30 AM, Maria made her way through the spartan campus and into the prepared Atrium, where a number of cushy chairs surrounded a stage in a stadium fashion. Each chair had a reserved number and name assigned to it, filling only a partial space in the front three rows. The stage itself held a number of chairs for each of the heads of department, as well as the various administrators. Bobbi Morse already found herself in the seat closest to the podium, a thin brow raised at the smart phone in her hand. "Important?" Maria called out, watching closely as Bobbi's head snapped to meet her gaze. With a tight smile she shoved the phone into her pocket and shook her head, "No, just a personal affair." Bobbi let out a breath and stood, "Everything in order?" "As much as possible, let's just hope Tony's not late this time," Maria muttered, setting her pad on the podium and shuffling the papers there. She preferred the crisp edge of technology, but it didn't hurt to have a few backup physical copies. She flipped through each file to make sure everything was in the correct order, made certain her pad had sufficient battery life and began going over her various notes while the students piled in. "Is Pepper still refusing to talk to him?" "After the other week? I'm not sure she'll talk to him by the end of this semester," Bobbi blew out another breath, a huff of laughter as she turned to watch more faculty file in and take their spots next to her. Oddly enough, Tony came by second, settling in beside Morse with large bags under his eyes and the worst morning breath. Peter filed in beside him, looking anxious and clutching a satchel to his chest. He rummaged through one of the pockets before pulling out a mint and offering it to Stark. "Take it, before I force an entire tube of toothpaste down your mouth," she muttered, to which Tony gave her the most incredulous stare before popping the mint in his mouth. Once every freshman found their assigned seat, Maria gave each of her staff a smoldering look before turning her attention to the pad in front of her. Clearing her throat, she looked out into the small crowd and began: "As you may well know, you all have been handpicked by a number of highly trained operatives. Some of you have likely been approached by our scouts, some of you may have received letters in the mail, and, surprisingly, quite a few of you have been under SHIELD supervision for the time being. I'm certain you all received a binder, however, with everything you need to know about your time spent here. Inside you will find a pamphlet mapping the entire upper grounds of the campus and inside a further mapping of the interior of the facility. There are a few guidelines I should hash out before we get started: "First off, you're all SHIELD Agents as of now and you will act as such. There are rules in place and you will follow them to the letter. Understood? Moving on. Secondly, SHIELD is still under scrutiny, even years after the Hydra incident. Thus, we have quite a bit to hide from the general public; in fact, the entirety of SHIELD is to be hidden and under no circumstances should we reveal ourselves to the public eye. Our work here goes under the radar and everything you do here will be as a cover. To the public, you're just a handful of college students looking for higher education and we offer those classes, in fact, a lot of them are still required. That means no slacking on keeping every and all intel your receive under strict lock and key. Most of us here don't want to have to clean up messes leaked out to the press; your status as a SHIELD Agent will be revoked in an efficient, albeit vicious manner. "Now, I assume you all have a ton of questions and they'll be answered by the faculty here after the assembly. You're all potential Avengers now, SHIELD Agents first and foremost, however. The road ahead will be a difficult one and maybe some of you won't make it too far. We're here to help you succeed, so don't be afraid to look to your superiors for assistance. We aren't here to hold your hand, but in a dire situation, we'll be there to keep you from possibly dying. Our facility is designed to train your strengths and conceal your weaknesses. As well, SHIELD Academy provides a place that nurtures teamwork and leadership in a neat, efficient package. Therefore, the individuals on your course schedules will be your assigned teammates. You'll be living with each other under one roof, working with each other for the foreseeable future. Your goal here is simple: begin as a team, graduate as a team. Most of your mission scores will be evaluated on a group by group bases, while your general studies and SHIELD courses will mostly comprise of individual grades. Obviously, your team scores will have a much, much heavier weight on your over all GPA than anything else here. We're designed to train you, but it's your job to succeed. "On that note, this is also still a SHIELD facility and many areas underneath the Academy are off-limits. You all have keycards that will give you access to everywhere you need to go. If I catch anyone tampering with the facility's codes, doorways, anything in the system, you're under grounds for suspension and potential expulsion. Just... don't be an idiot and you'll do fine. With all that said, these are your administrators and heads of the building, if you need anything they're in the office building, as well as their section's allotted offices. There are directions to each on your pamphlet. "Now, I think it's quite time to introduce yourself. We have dossiers of each and every one of you, however, most of you likely don't know anyone sitting next to you. Name, any skill sets you have, what you're good at, and anything else you'd like to add."[/color]