I gave a weak, nervous smile to the amphibious one named gish who had told me my situation wasn't strange. "Oh, um, reason right, glad I'm not the only one In this mess." My attempt at smiling immediately shrank into a fearful and nervous look as the other female came forward and into my personal space, I noticed she was...smelling me. "Weird..?" I repeated, confused. I wondered if I truly was dangerous myself after hearing here, I didnt even know who I was really. But my train of thought was broken as I felt the terror of the presence that was the creature named Unyat. Victor gave me chills, but Unyat was far less subtle in his fear. I couldn't help but stare at his horrific figure for a good minute or two, but for some reason I felt a connection between us. As if there was something dark we both had in common. Victor however was the next to distract me, pushing me along to the cabin. Welcome? So far this seems like a very confused and unorganized group of people with very little relation with each other, other than we are all somewhat lost I suppose. As I was pressured to enter the cabin, i walked up to it past Gish though in a nervous manner. Food was important after all but would it be worth trespassing a stranger's home. I placed a sweaty palm onto the door knob. Closing my eyes and awaiting some monster to kill me as I slowly turned and opened the cabin door.