[color=mediumblue][b]Hatter~[/b][/color] Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. Oh how the Hatter hated such tedious affairs. Sheets covered his desk, overflowing from around it in piles like a sea of white. To onlookers the area probably appeared to look as though a natural disaster recently struck, no order to be found in the mass. For Marcus D. Hatter, on the other hand, every slip was in its place, and every place had its slip. If one of the White Kings men came in in this moment the Hatter could produce whatever they desired in moments. Closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, Hatter groaned while leaning back in his seat simultaneously. Tossing the papers in the air with his free hand he couldn’t keep from complaining, [color=mediumblue]“Had anyone of mentioned I would be drowning in papers for the rest of mile life just to own a town I would have simply called them mad! I should have stuck with hats but NO I decided to work myself to death…” [/color] Rising from the massive chair he placed on his pea coat, grabbing hat from a peg and placing it on his head. [color=mediumblue]“I must get away from this room, it’s stifling.” [/color] Gliding down the hall he muttered to himself, [color=mediumblue]“If only I had been born a disappearing cat I wouldn’t have so little to do and so much time to do it in…”[/color] catching himself in the phrase he laughed, pondering, [color=mediumblue]“No that’s not right. Flip it, reverse it. That’s what I am.”[/color] At last, he made it to the main hall, yelling to Doria dormouse he was going on a stroll to patrol the town. Today was going to be curious; he could tell. He waited for the massive mansion doors to open and made his way across the vast courtyard, his shoes clicking against the cobblestone as he stepped onto the street. He already decided to check each of the shops to make sure all was in order. More than likely a few store owners would talk to him and then his executive duties would be done for the day. He had nothing to check in with the King about and the Queen herself had not sent any scouts as of late, or rather the Hatter knew about that is. There was no need. The Hatter protected his 'Alices' well. Momentarily, he was thrown into a deep pit of despair, not something all that uncommon with the ever varying Hatter. The original Alice. He could remember the first day she appeared here as if it just happened. She was one of the bravest girls he ever came into contact with, slaying the Jabberwock as if it were nothing but a balloon to pop. How many times had the two walked down this very road together laughing with one another over peculiarities. In the end, he was not enough for her and she returned to the real world, something he could never wrap his head around. Perhaps it was one of the many things to cause him to be such a mad fellow. As the memory passed, Hatter's mood once again changed to that of indifference then joy; similar to a pendulum he could never remain in one emotion for long. With this change of pace his mind wandered to what he would do with the little free time he had, deciding to himself where he would go once he stopped patrolling. [color=mediumblue][i]I do believe today is her unbirthday….as is it MY unbirthday. This calls for a celebration.[/i][/color] His mind span in circles at all the possibilities, but first he must tend to his duties. Today would be curiouser and curiouser indeed.