[center]HELLO. Hi. I have not gotten the chance to RP very much in the past two, almost three years. And I figured now would be a good time to get back into things! Instead of just finding a group RP to jump into though, I figured it would be easier to get into a few 1x1's. [h3]Information[/h3] I am 23 years old! I like all sorts of RP and don't really have any limits. I can write anywhere from casual to advanced, it really just depends what I am given to work with. My grammar isn't flawless, but I promise that it should be at least understandable. I reply from my cellphone, so my reply times are kind of slow, especially if I am writing a longer post. But I can promise at least one post a day, maybe two. Just don't expect lightning fast replies. If I get bored of the RP or something, I will tell you! Or if I will be away for anything longer than a week. :) I mainly write MxM unless stated otherwise. In very rare cases am I okay with MxF, I REALLY have to like the plot. [color=ed1c24]One thing I do ask, though, is that if there is something you want specifically, that you tell me directly. Don't try to beat around the bush or anything, just be completely honest, otherwise it might fly -right- over my head. And it will save a lot of confusion later down the line.[/color] And... this is not really organized. I apologize. I'll fix it up once I get to an actual computer here in the next few days. I do have a bit of trouble checking threads, so if you message me on here, even with a notification, it might take me longer to reply than a PM would. [/center] [hider=Basic Interests] [list] [*]Zombies [*]Any kind of Apocalyptic setting [*]Adventure/traveling kind of things [*]Ex-Chosen Ones [*]Test Subjects/Experiments [*]Soulmates [*]Villain's for Justice [*]School-esque stuff (High School/Collegeish) [*]AU's. ALL KINDS OF AU's. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Omegaverse(A/B/O Dynamics)] I am a complete sucker for this trope. Like, a HUGE one. I absolutely adore all the different dynamics! And so far, none of the times I've RP'd either three of them have they been the same. The worlds always seem to differ and be different and I absolutely adore that, in a weird kind of way, I suppose. SO, a few different things I would be interested in trying with this trope; [list] [*][b]Omega/Omega[/b] [*]Beta/Omega [*][b]Alpha/Alpha[/b] [*]Alpha/Beta [*][b]Female Alpha/Male Omega[/b] [*]Omega Dominated World [*]Alpha/Alpha in an Omega Dominated World [*]Alpha/Omega in an Omega Dominated World [*]Basically any subversion from the norm of either of the dynamics??? [*]Platonic Alpha/Omega [/list] I am not opposed to playing either of the roles, I equally enjoy all three of them! I've got quite a few different character ideas for any of these, so... [sub]yeah[/sub]. And honestly, I know a bunch of people like this trope for the more sexual things, but I would be perfectly alright doing something platonic! I think getting the chance to write something platonic between any of the dynamics could be interesting- even if it is just side characters or something! [/hider] [hider=Fantasy] I love fantasy settings, especially where I have free reign over what I get to write- or at least within limits I am cool with. And I mean, its fantasy, so it could be a number of things! I am just going to list a few paring ideas and other stuff that I have floating in my mind at the moment! Even if something isn't listed here, don't be afraid to ask! There is a good chance I would like it, I just didn't list it. Or something! [list] [*]Mage / Knight [*]Royalty / Magical Creature [*]Dragon / Dragon Rider [*]Dragon / Commoner (Farmer or something?) [*]Cursed Creature / Royalty (Or a simple farmer/merchant or something) [*]Thief/Thief [*]Thief/Royalty [*]Merman/Simple Fisherman [*]Creature/Creature (Think along the lines of Dragon x Merfolk or something) [*] Non-magic Traveler / Magical Guide [*]"Whoops, we were both cursed by the same magical object and now are stuck together." (Figuratively? Literally?) [*]"I've never seen you smoking a cigarette so why in the hell do you always have smoking coming out of your mouth every time I see you?!" [*]Magical School? [*]Modern day fantasy stuff! [/list] [sub]there is a lot of 'or something' in here. [/sub] [/hider] [hider=Fandoms] There are a few Fandom-based things that I wouldn't mind giving a shot! I am not really comfortable doing cannon-characters, though. So OC's only, folks! [list] [*]Pokemon [*]Soul Eater [*]Hunter x Hunter [*]Zoids [*]Pacific Rim [*]Warctaft [*]Tokyo Ghoul [*]Mercy Thompson Series [/list] [/hider] [hider=Some shitty plot ideas, etc.] [hider=Of Hollow Chests and Glass Hearts] This was an old RP I did ages ago with a good friend of mine, I think it might be interesting to try it again? Different people, different results! Sometimes.[sub]sometimes.[/sub] BASICALLY, sometime in the past people began to be born without hearts. It started out with only a few, but in a matter of years, every new-born was without a heart and didn't live past a few months old. A group of scientists were quickly pulled together to fix this problem and eventually the 'Glass Heart' was created. With the Glass Heart placed in new-born chests, they were able to survive perfectly fine as if they had a heart of their own and they lived well past a few months old- the oldest having lived to be 189 years of age. Now, hundreds of years later... everyone has a Glass Heart. [list] [*][b]Glass Heart:[/b] An artificial heart made of 'Soul Glass' that replaces someones physical heart. Due to its nature, it improves the physical human condition. Improved senses, longer lifespans, overall better health and physical abilities. Due to how the Heart is placed within them, sometimes part of the heart can be seen through their chests. [*][b]Hollow Chested:[/b] A term used for someone who does not have a Glass Heart and instead still has a hollow place of where their heart should be. [*][b]True Hearted:[/b] A term used for someone who still has their physical heart, the one they were born with. In this day and age, it is seen as a sign of immense uniqueness but also a sign of great sadness- less is expected of people with their actual heart, as they wont live nearly as long as someone with a Glass Heart and overall cannot preform nearly as well as someone with a Glass Heart, either. [*][b]Heavy Hearted:[/b] Glass Hearts can fill up with various things sometimes. It is very rare for it to do so, but due to the nature of the special glass it is made with... sometimes flowers sprout within the Glass Heart. Or maybe it fills partially with water. Or a small, dark rain cloud. Or maybe an actual heart starts to grow inside of it- what can grow in there is unlimited! THOUGH, it is insanely rare for something like that to actually happen. No one is quite sure what causes it, but those that have had it happen often say it it started after some kind of great turning point in their life. [/list] There are a stupid number of things that could be done in this AU and I'd honestly like to try them all! If you've got an idea for this, please do throw it my way, I'd love to hear it! [/hider] [hider=Alter-Egos after Nightfall] In short, everyone in the world is split into two different 'people'. The 'Day' person is the one that is out during the day, only vanishing when the sun sets, returning once it rises. The Day person is the one that does the common day things, they go to work, do the cleaning, school, etc. The normal person, really. But the 'Night' person is the different one. People change into complete monsters when the sun goes down! Literally. A eighty-two year old man might turn into a younger short guy with stubby horns on his head and green skin. The person who normally drives the bus during the day maybe turns into a somewhat huge serpent-like creature. The night-life of the world is entirely different from the one during the day. [list] [*]The possibility that sometimes it is reversed. Instead of the Alter Ego appearing during the night, maybe they appear during the day? [*]Maybe a very rare few don't have an Alter Ego at all [*]Possible powers? [*]The question if the Alter Ego and the Normal side can talk is up for debate. Are they completely separate? Do they communicate somehow to live an easier life? [*]I sort of like the idea that if one side of the person is too stressed or upset, the other side will take over completely until the other is more stable. [/list] [/hider] [/hider] [Hider=Change Log] [list] [*]7/10/16 : Added some stuff, removed some stuff, fixed some stuff. [/list] [/hider]