[center][color=1E90FF][h1]Copen Lokison[/h1][/color] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3ftqtRu2m1r7ifqv.gif[/img] [u]Location:[/u] SHIELD Atrium [u]Interactions:[/u] [@flightless-angel-castiel] Winking @ Nicki [@Winter Kitten] Waving at Magnus [@MiddleEarthRoze] Waving at Eva and winking at whichever girl wants to be winked at [hr][hr][/center] The world seemed bright to Copen as he wandered into the SHIELD atrium, a smile on his thin lips and hands stuck in his pockets. His hips swung slightly with his walk, a mannerism that had come naturally over the years as he'd grown up. Today was a new day, and although he didn't have a reason to start over, it was always a good feeling to have a clean slate. He'd be meeting new people, exploring his powers, saving Midgardians... It seemed a pretty good deal, truth be told. Besides, women on Earth were always grateful to heroes, right? He definitely wouldn't mind that side of the job. He was surprised to find that he was one of the first to arrive. It was a little disappointing to him, truth be told - he preferred to waltz his way into a crowded room, making friends and chatting like the social butterfly that he was. There was nothing for it, though, and he swaggered down to the chairs nearest to the stage. The tall boy flashed a grin at the agents sitting on the stage; Tony Stark was a recognisable figure indeed. Having spent a lot of time with Loki and even Thor, he'd all about the old times. His father, perhaps, wasn't in the best of books with SHIELD, but Copen was not his father. He took his allotted seat, in the front row and near the middle. People trailed in after him, and he took in their looks with curious eyes. The majority of them were handsome young men, as himself. There would certainly be some competition if they were after women, too, since there were so few here. He caught the eye of a smaller dark-haired fellow, at whom he winked, liking something about the twinkle in his eyes. And when Magnus and Eva arrived, he waved enthusiastically. The agent at the podium - Maria Hill, he reminded himself - didn't allow a lot of time before starting into her greeting. Straightening in his seat, he was polite in looking at her, but he wasn't really listening until the end. Aha, introductions! Navy eyes seeming to light up, Copen decided that it was he who would go first. Popping up to his feet, he turned around and backed away slightly so that he could see everyone. Great. He didn't even know if everyone else would do the same, but he didn't really care. [color=1E90FF]"I'm Copen - Copen Lokison,"[/color] he introduced himself, a hand coming to his chest for a moment. [color=1E90FF]"I suppose it's obvious who my father is - I hail from Asgard, along with my cousins. I have the power of the Frost Giants, and the skill of magic. I can also be [i]very[/i] persuasive."[/color] At this, he grinned charmingly at them all, winking at a girl a few seats along from him. With that said, he shrugged his shoulders and turned around to plop back down into his seat. [/hider]