Name: Fafnir Sigurd Nickname: He often gives himself various self-praising titles, three examples being "Fafnir the Scalelord" "Fafnir the magnificent" or "The Dragon Knight". Though rarely does anyone else actually refer to him as such. Age: In his human appearance, he appears somewhere in his 20's or 30's, however he is actually 2,000 years old. Type: Drakken (A being that results from a ritualistic fusion between a dragon and human, not necessarily hybrid as the fusion is more of a mystical/paranormal effect rather then biological. Drakkens, while pertaining various human and dragon characteristics, are considered not true dragons, neither true humans. While Drakkens are considered extremely rare as the ritual requires a willing subject of both a human and dragon who wish to perform the rite, sacrificing their existences to birth a stronger force, it isn't possible to say whether or not Drakken's are extinct unless either humans or dragons go instinct first. Additionally, a Drakken's conscience and personality reflects on both of the individuals that make up the Drakken, often resulting in a being with enigma-like thoughts and contradictory ideals.) Affiliation: Supernatural who fights. Appearance: He can change into three forms at any time, each has their own advantages and disadvantages. [hider=Human-like form] [img][/img] A 6'0" human, muscular and peach-colored skin, and Long spiky and messy black hair that reaches down the shoulders. Despite his transformation, he cannot rid his massive red scaled wings, which measure 8 feet long each across his back, a long and muscular tail scaled with the same scales with a keratin-barbed tip, and crocodilian eyes that resemble a pair of dimly lit candles in dark lighting. In this form he can easily communicate with others, socialize, get around better in comparison with his larger forms, though he retains the same amount of strength and other draconic traits such as an affinity to fire, he isn't as durable and thus requires his armor. Aside from these reptilian features he closely resembles his human predecessor James Sigurd. [/hider] [hider=Half-form] [img][/img] a 12' tall dragon-like bipedal monstrosity, considered his most combat efficient form as it balances raw destructive power and size with speed and dexterity, though his armor appears lighter this is due to most of his scales actually providing enough armor naturally, the underbelly and other weakpoints in softer scutes and scales are thus covered, and other areas simple remain armored for decoration. [/hider] [hider=Dragon-like form] [img][/img] Scaled inaccurately. This form closely resembles a smaller form of his original dragon predecessor, who was feared by the name of Kilgarrah, as in this form he is only 20 feet on his hind legs compared to the 100+ foot behemoth that was kilgarrah While this is technically his stronger form he cannot wield weapons or additional armor in this state, and being so big makes him less flexible and an easier target. Better used in the case of needing raw power or destruction rather then skill. [/hider] Personality + History: Conflicted, one can easily see the strangely opposite theming of a knightly dragon. The dragon predecessor of Fafnir was a beast of great and obnoxious pride and looked down upon all else, hoarding treasures and unleashing his burning wrath upon villages. While his knightly predecessor was a noble and valiant knight of a now lost kingdom, a man who originally hated the likes of Kilgarrah and fought for the sake of his country, king, and those in need. A typical hero who's goal got the better of him as both he and the dragon watched as there territory became plagued by a dark threat. The blight that had infected the kingdom also had Kilgarrah grow gravely ill, the two former rivals met and sacrificed themselves to bond together a being that could slay the source of the plague that ruined them both. While they ended successful, the new being who quickly gave himself the name Fafnir, couldn't save the kingdom in time, defeating the culprit after the kingdom had succumbed entirely. To this day, he bears this tragedy as a sin he blames only himself for. Fafnir's pride stands out above all else, he constantly overestimates himself and underestimates all that stand before him, which can lead to dangerous predicaments. His greed is a sin he has trouble keeping control of, shiny objects and valuables are the prize of his eyes, and if left unchecked he may risk and put him and others in danger for the sake of such greed. He has however, aside from his flaws, a chivalrous nature and tries to keep a good humor and smile. When he isn't drinking his guilt away, sparring with rivals, or slaying monsters, he will often relax in hot sun-filled areas, or bathe in hot liquids such as hot springs or pools of lava. With others he may have a good laugh and tell stories that are most likely fabricated of his self-gloried adventures. However, he can be easily enraged, especially if someone pokes a hole in his ego, which can make him turn from a knight of honor to a savage and beastly monster. Ever since his kingdom fell, the dragon knight wandered for great lengths. Seeking adventure and trying to overcome his sinful habits and angry temper. With the threat of scientists against fellow supernatural, Fafnir takes it upon himself as a vigilante to be the hero that other inhuman creatures need, or at least that is what his twisted ego thinks. Abilities: -Draconic Nature, which comprises of his superior physical attributes, iron-hard scales (except for the underbelly, or his human skin when he is in that form), undefined heat resistance (fire, magma, and other forms of high heat environments and attacks seem ineffective, he is essentially unable to burn, however you could still harm him with the force or pressure of say a fire blast.), minor fire manipulation (namely breathing fire or throwing fire balls.), eternal youth, and eyes that burn brightly in the dark. -Weaponry: His human counterpart had been experienced with armory magic, which can summon/unsummon equipment such as armor and weapons instantly, which makes summoning his lance or suit of armor efficient. He has a long sword made of black iron, kite shield made of what he claims is dragon scales, his suit of armor for his human form. He also has a specialized lance, great shield, and armor for his half-form large enough to wield. Weakness/weaknesses: Being cold blooded makes him vulnerable in cold conditions, his fire powers are weakened significantly and while he can expend energy to create flames within him he can quickly grow exhausted from this. Ice magic and similar cold-based attacks are also very effective against him. Water can also weaken or temporarily shut down his fire manipulation. In his half-form and dragon-like form his underbelly scales are softer then the rest of his scales, and are vulnerable to standard weaponry unlike the rest of his body. His wrath, while can make him unpredictable, can make him easily ignorant of anything other then his target, and can easily fall for traps and other battle tactics while enraged. His greed can get the better of him easily as well.