Sam heard the clinking and clicking of the Knight's armor as she trotted down the stairs. The Wizard had already taken notice and approached the woman, which meant that this was a particularly good moment to butt in. With a wave of his hand, the jester shooed away the other customers. [color=92278f]"Sorry, all, but the show will have to continue some other time. I have business to attend to."[/color] As one last 'trick', Sam lined up the cards remaining on the table, end to end, and swept the small box he kept them in across the wood. Each card neatly slid into the box without having to be picked up manually, and the customers politely clapped before returning to their drinks. That should give them something to talk about for a couple days other than the horrifying stench. Sam wandered to the bar, where the Knight and the Wizard were waiting. The Lizard would likely be coming to join them shortly as well. [color=92278f]"I assume you're the knight in charge of the Lich job. "[/color] [@dereken][@NowIGiveUp]