[color=red][b]Katrina~[/b][/color] On the way to the cabin Kat couldn’t help herself but to be concerned for the scratches on the girl’s arms. The skin was so similar to that of ivory or even a smooth marble the red inflammation stuck out like angry cracks in a dry earth. Protection from her garden always caused her to feel safe as well as loved, but now all she could seem to muster was regret for harming an innocent person who seemed to possess a kindred heart so similar to her own. Placing her hand on the oak door, covered in vibrant green soft moss, she gave a gentle push gesturing for her new guest to go in first. [color=red] “Alison? That is a beautiful name! With your blonde hair and that name you remind me of someone I knew a very long time ago.”[/color]. Inside the home there were several places to rest one’s burdens including a loveseat, a thick and plush lounging chair, as well as several wooden ones of various colors in the kitchen. Heading to the kitchen to make the tea Kat began talking over her shoulder, [color=red] “Sit wherever you like. If you’re hungry there is finger sandwiches and sweets on the counter. You can welcome yourself to anything that isn’t in the basket…those are for my friend Chess.” [/color]. She began to hum to herself as she methodically started preparing the water which became lukewarm during her absence with all the ruckus. Glancing back at the girl her eyes fell on the red marks once more. She believed she had some of the bandersnatch’s saliva in a jar mixed together with aloes, mint, and beeswax to make it into a pleasant smelling balm. [color=red] “If you head down the hallway past the living room and open the first cabinet on your left you will see a bright yellow jar with butterflies and dragonflies on it. Inside is a balm that will help clear up those scratches and prevent an infection.”[/color] Checking the temperature of the water she noted the tea would be ready by the time the girl returned. Picking up the tea tray she placed on the table earlier, she removed the glasses on it leaving a small mint one with gold trim in the style that reminds one of a flowing dress upside down; next to it she placed a light blue cup with little white daisies dancing about it. Pouring the water she decided on honey vanilla chamomile, to sooth the nerves. She placed down a glass container with brown sugar and one with white. Beside those she placed a bottle filled with cool fresh cream. Rearranging the items she finally was satisfied with her work and brought the tray into the living room, setting it in the center of the coffee table. She grabbed the glass with the daisies, taking a seat, preparing herself to answer Alison’s questions.