Angie looked at the bay, the sun reflecting off of the waters as the "formation" passed over it. Being in the back gave her the best view. Turning her head to the front, she saw her Squad leader in front of her. She had been placed in her squadron when she was exchanged for some new aircraft, much to her dismay. As the AWACS spoke into the radio, she communicated back "Kvant Two here. good to have someone watching us!". As soon as she started to doze off, Oracle announced the situation, she instinctively switched to alert and onto missiles. [i]this isn't good[/i] She thought, looking towards the dots in the sky. as soon as she had gotten locked on, she banked left, avoiding the incoming missile. She did a barrel roll and approached Kvant Lead "I got you, Yellow!" She stated, her MiGs wings switching ti swept, trying to lock onto the Bogey as well "Angel Engaging!"