[img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/bd4cfb21c8574bbc9d9c8dc56dff583d/tumblr_msp9kc313T1qcga5ro1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Abel [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Hair:[/b] Dirty Blonde [b]Eyes:[/b] Grey [b]Weight:[/b] 190lbs [b]Blood type:[/b] O+ [b]Immune:[/b] No [b]Family life:[/b] Married. Fathered a single child by the name of Claudette. [b]Occupation:[/b] PreRise, Abel, known by a different name, worked as CEO for his family's multibillion dollar company. [b]Gear:[/b] On his back is a simple North Face Vault pack: Can of Spam Can of Peaches Water bottle x2 First Aid Kit -Scissors -Roll of gauze -KFC hand wipe pack x10 10x36 Monocular Flashlight Box of ammunition -9mm rds x9 Map of Missouri Pen Lighter On his hip is a holster and a strap: 9mm Handgun Machete Around his neck: Gas mask Dream catcher pendent In his pockets: 3" Switchblade Wallet -2 Dollar bill -Forever Yours candy bar wrapper Lint [b]Bio:[/b] Before the Rise, Abel lead a life clouded by the mundane musings of business. His family, starting with is great great grandfather, created and ran a successful enterprise that would one day be worth billions of dollars. Abel's father would eventually take up the mantle after his father retired and when Abel came of age, he followed in their footsteps. Naturally being driven and focused, a trait that seemed to blossom in their family, he was quick to learn the trade and before long, found himself at the head of their family's fortune. From there, life simply took over and he found himself moving along his years as if on auto pilot. He would eventually marry at the young age of 24, taking the hand of the beautiful blue eyed black hair girl of his dreams, Anne. Together they would have a child, a girl, that they named Claudette and who Abel hoped would be next in line to run the company. The three of them took up new residence in New York with a condo that overlooked the Hudson River. Claudette would enroll in a prestigious school while taking lessons at home from a private tutor. Anne would return to work and Abel would run his company from home, making occasional visits to their local branch. Things looked positive for the new family if not a little rigid and controlled. The first rumors of the pandemic were dismissed by both himself and those around him. They began by playing it off as nothing but a hoax, a scare that would eventually shimmer down into a dull memory in the back of everyone's mind. People would laugh about how governments had begun to prepare for a zombie apocalypse and dinner conversations were filled with the what if's and what nots. Then pictures and videos began to surface. Anne would come home dragging the grape vines in with her and his daughter, now at the confusing age of 12, would sit at the dinner table with nothing but fear and questions to share. Eventually the news became too large an issue to ignore and plans were made to pack and leave with a vacation in the Pacific in mind. The world never intended them to leave however. Nine months after the rise and Abel finds himself stumbling around MIssouri having been separated from the group he'd been traveling with. [b]Sample Post:[/b] ((PMed to AZseth.))